External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 周圍裝設照明度高的電燈以阻嚇盜 舍,以盡量減少存放 在校內的現金等。
These suggested measures include locking all doors and gates of the school premises properly after school hours and during holidays,
installing good perimeter light to deter
[...] trespassing through climbing walls, and [...]
keeping the cash holdings in schools to a minimal.
原來人們日後是否會向 兩個因素:第一, 他的父親是誰,主席,這是真的,第一個因素是他的父親是誰;第二, [...]
It turns out that whether or not someone would be upwardly mobile depends on
[...] two factors, first, who his father [...]
is ― President, this is true ― the first
factor is who his father is and second, what kind of education he has received.
电动循环泵控制器安装到外壳内后空 隙距离应符合 EN50020 中 6.4 (表 4)一节的 要求。
After the installation of the Electric Circulation Pump Control into an enclosure the creepage and clearance distances shall meet the requirements of 6.4 (Table 4) of EN50020.
动态定价算法和网 这些技术实现了日内价格变化以维持5% -20%的价 格 [...]
Dynamic pricing
[...] algorithm and web crawlers: These enable intra-day [...]
price changes to maintain 5–20 percent price leadership.
我們在YHA Franz Josef住了一個晚上後,就和另外兩個朋友會和,一
We stayed at YHA Franz Josef for one night, and we met up with the other two friends on the next day.
现在,各种因素之间的关系更为复杂,因为涉及的不止两类国家而是四类国 家:㈠ “在位”发达国家;㈡ 通过工业化和结构变革实现增长的“追赶”国家; ㈢
[...] 受益于高商品价格的“商品兴旺”国家;及(d)尚未建立生产能力以 阶梯的低收入资源贫乏“致远”国家。
This time around the dynamics are more complex because there are not two groups of countries, but four: (a) the ‘‘incumbent’’ developed countries; (b) the ‘‘catching-up’’ countries that are growing through industrialization and structural transformation; (c) the ‘‘commodityboom’’ countries that are benefiting from the high commodity prices; and (d) the ‘‘aspiring’’ countries,
those low-income, resource-poor countries that have yet to build their productive
[...] capacities to move up the income ladder.
Hillwalkers will adore this awe-inspiring yet blissfully peaceful route.
You can reach the downtown climbing the famous Potemkin Steps.
從1979年起,G系列已應用 水個人越野或專業用途上,而經過三十年的發展,G系列已被精心打造成既可征服各種地形,又有豪華舒適房車的特質和可作日常行駛的越野車,亦配以高品質的內飾設備。
Since it was originally conceived in 1979, as a vehicle to be used primarily in tough off-road terrain, the G-Class has undergone an astounding process of evolution.
它可以在简单的Web代理、页面抓取器 序中使用。
It can be a simple Web proxy , the page the crawler and the crawler to use .
喜爱刺激的人士在爱尔兰一定会得到满足-这个国度的险峻地形非常适合高山滑落、蹦极、洞穴探险 滑翔和跳伞。
Adrenalin junkies will get a good hit in Ireland – the country’s dramatic landscape makes it perfect for abseiling, bungee, caving, mountain biking, hand gliding and skydiving.
11.C. 捕捞渔业(大型商业性、个体和自给性渔业)对海洋生态系统的影响,具
[...] 体形式为对食物网、副渔获物(鱼类、哺乳动物 物和海鸟)以及不同的渔 具和捕捞方法的影响,包括丢弃物对其他野生动物的影响,以及丢失或遗弃渔具 [...]
11.C. Impacts of capture fisheries (large-scale commercial, artisanal and subsistence fishing) on marine ecosystems,
through effects on the food web, by-catch
[...] (fish, mammals, reptiles and seabirds), [...]
and different fishing gear and methods,
including the impact of discards on other wildlife, and impacts from lost or abandoned fishing gear.
[...] Aperture这个Java框架能够从各种各样的资料系统(如:文件系统、Web站点、IMAP和Outlook邮箱)或存在这些系统中的文件(如:文档、图 ) 搜索其中的全文本内容与元数据。
Project Information: Aperture The Java framework from the various information systems ( such as: file system , Web sites , IMAP, and Outlook mailbox ) or the
existence of these system files ( such as:
[...] documents , pictures ) crawling and search full-text [...]
content of which and metadata.
不,相当的全部,有”最大,Zombozo的幸福,排水的影响下,提及已被恐高症作为一个孩子和那么,当“够了,够了”,最大 顶端的水塔“,”吓“出来的他的恐惧。
A “not-quite-all-there” Max, under the effects of Zombozo’s happiness-draining, mentions having been afraid of
heights as a kid and then, when “enough was
[...] enough”, Max climbed up to the top of [...]
the water tower” and “scared the fear” right out of him.
从我在爱彼开始我的职业生涯时,我就一直梦想着制作大复杂功能,但大家都告诉我说,我必须耐心地慢慢往 ", 33岁的Joëlle Farine笑着说,她从1997年成为钟表匠的学徒训练结束后,就开始为公司工作。
From the start of my career with Audemars Piguet, I
wanted to make grand complications, but people
[...] told me I had to climb the ladder patiently,” [...]
smiles 33-year-old Joëlle Farine,
who has worked for the company since the end of her apprenticeship as master watchmaker in 1997.
随之而来的一场争吵后,侮辱她,当他们试图逃跑,宾 旋转门的入口在他的书中还设有一个百货(),并被迫向内的势头。
An altercation ensues after they insult her, and while they attempt
[...] their escape, Bink crawls up to a revolving [...]
door at the entrance to a department store
(also featured in his book) and is forced inwards by its momentum.
例如,众所周知,克钦邦野生动物,如濒临灭绝 物、 鸟类以及豹、老虎等,被不断出口到对外来动物需求极大的中 国。
For instance, wild animals in Kachin
[...] state such as reptiles, birds, as well [...]
as leopards and tigers in danger of extinction,
are known to be exported to China, where the demand is high for exotic animals.
任何人除非得到授權人員的特准,否則不得移走、干擾、破壞或損 害吊車系統區內的任何植物群或動物群,或 系統區內的任何樹 木。
No person shall, unless authorized by an authorized official, remove, interfere with, damage or injure any flora or fauna in the Cable Car System area or climb any tree in the Cable Car System area.
在其它环境问题方面,领土于 2010
[...] 年制定了一项该岛多样化研究程序书; 继续开展了对植物、森林鸟类 和两栖类的长期监测方案;开始制定一项 [...]
气候变化应变战略以及公众教育和宣传方案,查明了主要入侵物种的分布和范 围,以便制定进行管理的战略。
In regard to other environmental issues during 2010, the Territory developed a biodiversity research protocol for the island; continued its
long-term monitoring programme for flora,
[...] forest birds, reptiles and amphibians; began [...]
the development of a climate change adaptation
strategy and a public education and outreach programme; and identified the distribution and extent of key invasive species to develop strategies for their management.
即使 本协议有任何相反规定,但仍然不得违反以下禁止事项:(a)
[...] b)使用或企图使用引擎、手动或自动软件、工具、 设备、代理、Robot脚本或其它方式、设备、机制或 进程(包括但不限于浏览器 robot、头像或 智能代理)来导航、搜索、访问、“刮”、 人才网的网页或所提供的任何服务, 但通过在人才网上由凯业必达所提供的搜索引擎和搜索代理 [...]
Firefox, Safari)的情况除外;(c)未经凯业必达明确的书面同意 而对人才网的任何内容或信息 以任何方式进行汇集或复制。
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, this prohibition includes: (a) copying or adapting the HTML code used to generate web pages on the Talent Network; (b) using or attempting to use engines, manual or automated software, tools, devices, agents, scripts robots or other means, devices, mechanisms or processes
(including, but not
[...] limited to, browsers, spiders, robots, avatars or intelligent agents) to navigate, search, access, “scrape,” crawl,” or “spider” any [...]
web pages or any Services
provided on the Talent Network other than the search engine and search agents available from CareerBuilder on such Talent Network and other than generally available third party web browsers (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari); and (c) aggregating, copying or duplicating in any manner any of the Content or information available from any of the Talent Network, without the express written consent of CareerBuilder.
消耗体力较少的日常活动不包括在内,比如做家务、整理庭园 、步行以及在院子里追逐孩子,等等。
This is in addition to routine light
physical daily tasks such as household chores,
[...] yard work, climbing stairs, walking, [...]
chasing after children in the yard, etc.
剛開始的時候,安沛(Yen Bai)對新環境和新的聲響有些謹慎和緊張,但始終是對自己的新窩興奮得不得了,到 弄他的新玩物。
At first Yen Bai was a little cautious and slightly nervous about his new surroundings and the new sounds but nevertheless, was super-exited about his den, climbing all over the place and playing with his new toys.
不幸的是,仍有许多国家为从危机 ,依旧执行甚至强化已 经失败的政策。
Unfortunately, many countries have relied on a repetition and intensification of failed
[...] policies to try to climb out of the crisis.
因此,对力求有效从全球生产链获益和在增值链楼梯向高 国家而言,国家的生产能力,人力资本和技术的精密程度关系重大。
National productive capabilities, human capital and technological sophistication thus matter for countries that seek to effectively benefit from the global supply chain and upgrade their value-chain ladders.
为确保投票程序、设施和材料的无障碍性而 采取的措施 在第 29478 号法框架下,国家选举事务管理处对残疾公民进行了登记,
使其可以通过该机构的官方网站参与选举,旨在通过以下措施为普选提 供便利:a)为有视力残疾的选民制作盲文选票(盲文模板);b)在投票场
[...] 地的一层设立投票台;c)将各投票点位置较高的投票台临时下移,避免 残疾选民 ;d)在投票场地张贴标识,对残疾选民进行引导,并 [...]
Measures taken to ensure the full accessibility of the voting procedures, facilities and materials Under Act No. 29478, the National Election Procedures Office maintains a register of citizens with disabilities in order to facilitate their access to the ballot box by: (a) preparing ballot papers in Braille (Braille templates) for citizens with visual disabilities; (b) setting up voting booths at ground-floor level in polling stations; (c) temporarily moving voting booths from upper floors in polling stations
to ensure that persons with disabilities do
[...] not have to climb stairs; (d) putting [...]
up signs in polling stations to guide
citizens with disabilities and publicizing the measures taken to facilitate their access to voting booths.
据王东升介绍,京东方北京8.5代线自去年9月量产以来,产能快 已于今年7月底实现满产,产品良率达到94%;作为中国大陆首条高世代线的京东方合肥6代线,一直保持满产满销,已于6月份实现单月盈利约1700万元,上半年营业收入较去年同期增加22.4亿元;京东方成都4.5代线主要生产手机、数码相机、GPS等各类移动电子产品用显示屏,自2010年4月以来一直处于满产满销、持续盈利的状态。
According to Wang Dongsheng, East Beijing 8.5
generation line since last September
[...] production capacity fast climbing, since, in the [...]
end of year 7 to achieve full production,
the yield of the product reached 94%; as China 's first generation line Hefei BOE 6 generation line, has maintained a full production with sale, in June to achieve monthly profit of about 17000000 yuan, the first half of the year business income is 2240000000 yuan the same period last year; BOE Chengdu 4.5 generation line mainly produces mobile phone, digital camera, GPS and other mobile electronic product display screen, since 2010 April has been in full production with pin, sustained profitable status.
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The elaborate organic machine assimilates and conforms to its architectural confines, as if it were using the limited space the building provides to support its own growth – reminding us of a tenacious growing ivy.
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