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試著翻一下,不好的地方請指正,謝謝~ Pine, Gadot and Theron 三人的說法 新聞網址: Pine: https://tinyurl.com/y9pv5r9l Working with Female Director CP: It sounds like a stock answer, but it just depends on the human being. I think if you are speaking in generics or stereotypes or whatever you would say that men come from, that cerebral place and they are a little bit colder and they are practical and harder, and women come from a more warm, that’s not always the case with human beings. Some directors paint in major or minor notes, that’s two metaphors in one, some directors make music with major and minor notes, and Patty makes music with ninths and sevenths, by which I mean her emotional nuance is very keen, and she will not let you get away with, I think the more you act, if you are intelligent, because human beings are lazy by nature, that you can get away more often with mimicry than authenticity, and the mimicry will serve the purpose and be fine, but she really hungers for and searching for authentic. And I guess I define authentic by saying raw, present emotion on the day and not something that you cooked up at home. And there are really not that many people that care, and she really does. And I have rarely met someone who is as invested in, whose craft is as well honed cinematically and visually as it is on the emotional level. 與女性導演合作 CP:這答案可能有點無趣,但就是因人而異。 我想在以普遍性或刻板印象的想法中, 男性大都理性的而且有些冷酷,他們很實際而嚴厲,而女性較熱情, 然而人們並非這麼容易分類的。有些導演以重音樂(大調)或輕音樂(小調)導戲, 這是一種比喻,有些導演兩者並用。而Patty則是七和弦和九和弦,我的意思是, 她對情感上的細微差別很敏銳,她不會讓你輕易逃過她的法眼,我想當你演的戲夠多, 且你夠聰明,基於人的惰性,你可能以模仿瞞過而非以真實演出,而模仿有時會達到 效果,但是Patty是渴望並尋求真實的情緒。我想真實的情緒的定義是自然的, 是在那天那個當下的感受,不是你事前在家裡已經醞釀好的。其實並不是那麼多人 會在乎這點,但是她真的在乎。我很少見到一個人會這樣投入,其作品在情感上也 是如此戲劇性及視覺化。 Gadot and Theron :https://tinyurl.com/y9mvxaad When she's on set, Jenkins can be a pretty exacting boss, both physically and psychologically. "The shoots were so intensive, six days a week for six months," recalls Gadot. "But what Patty really cared about most was the emotional fate of a fight because we'd do the drills and the choreography, and you can have them down technically, but if the emotion is not specific, then Patty would say, 'It's not going to translate as well. Let's do it again.' " 在片場時,Jenkins可說非常嚴厲,在生理上與心理上都是。「拍攝期過程非常緊湊, 一週六天連續六個月」加朵說道。「但是Patty最在乎的是在打戲中的情緒表現, 因為我們可以在編排精彩武戲並且完美執行,但是如果情緒不到位,Patty則會說, 這將無法把意境傳達出來,再一次』」(她沒提到文戲的部份) Theron has similar memories of working with Jenkins on Monster, recalling a 14-hour day shooting a scene in which her character kills a man execution-style. "I'm not lying. I think I did that scene 50 times — if not more," she says. "By the end of it, I was literally lying facedown in that grass being so exhausted. And she wouldn't stop. And I'm grateful for that. You want somebody to push you further than you can push yourself. A lot of directors don't know how to do that, and Patty is very, very good at that. " 賽隆在拍Jenkins執導的「女魔頭」時也有類似經驗,在某一場她的角色以行刑式方式 殺了一個人的戲拍了十四小時。「不騙你,我想我拍那場戲至少五十次。」她說. 「拍完那場戲後,我整個虛脫地趴在草堆,但她還欲罷不能.但我很慶幸有這樣的機會, 你需要一個可以比你自己更能挑戰並提升自己的人。很多導演不知道怎麼做到這點, 而Patty在這一點上做得非常好。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1496289935.A.2A3.html
turnpoint: 這位導演導過的電影長片好像只有女魔頭跟WW,很厲害 06/01 12:09
sunny1991225: Patty其實在電視圈子的經驗很豐富。雖然TV Movie的 06/01 12:10
sunny1991225: 概念跟商業長片有差,但也有許多商業片出身的導演無 06/01 12:11
sunny1991225: 法獲得的經驗 06/01 12:11
kinnsan: 他的情感表現真的很強 第二次看即使劇情內容通通都知道了 06/01 12:14
kinnsan: 情緒還是被他牽著走 06/01 12:14
※ 編輯: yyhong68 (, 06/01/2017 12:41:04
tenniset: Gadot在她的要求下,我覺得表現得很不錯.雖然英語非母語, 06/01 12:51
tenniset: 但時而純真,時而憤慨的情緒都傳達得很好. 06/01 12:51
mssmall: 推Patty Jenkins 06/01 12:52
Jr0000: 感謝翻譯@@ 06/01 12:54
devin0329: CP表達能力太好了他完全理解導演要什麼也印證在這次演 06/02 00:30
devin0329: 出上 06/02 00:30