by Dr. Arthur Chang
If we can take a pill to lose weight, get our blood pressure down, or to enhance our mood, there is a strong tendency we will do it. If we can enter a game of chance, a gamble, to win a significant amount of money, our human tendency is to do it.
On the contrary, if we desire to get in shape by changing our diet, doing regular exercise, and to have an optimistic mindset, now that is the rub. That's work, and work doesn't seem miraculous because it is based upon our understanding a principle and engaging a process to be effective. It is time related.
Yet, we don't dislike everything that requires effort. For instance, play and competition often will get our attention and invariably our efforts. Our challenge seems to be our inadequate grasp of the kind of whole creature we are, and how all things relate to each other.
Could it be that the Bible's presentation of miracles, of things happening instantly instead of processively, has screened us from seeing the greatest miracle of living creatively is vested in principle and process?
We are each an entity that didn't just get here in a moment. Our lives are a series of occasions over time. We live in droplets of moment, which come into being, and perish. This is process guided by an intelligent principle.      
If we understand the principle governing a creative venture, and apply the principle in our action toward our goals, whether greater well-being, increased wealth, more and better friends, love and happiness, we can attain all these things. However, making a life is not like making instant coffee. It will involve action over time and space. We see this miraculous result in the lives of successful people. On the other hand, unsuccessful people may tend to sit and wait for an instant miracle to happen without realizing they can gradually build their dreams on principle, and process is the miracle of their lives. This is the real journey of living and it unfolds from principle and process.
May the journey of your life be the unfolding of your innermost vision as it honors the principle and process of the heart of the creative process.


Ask questions.  
Share ideas. 
Email your questions to 

Join us Sunday morning,
 September 23,  at 10:00am,
When Dr. Arthur Chang's topic will be:
 "Principle and Process: The God-gifts"
Your life is guided by principle and process. You didn't arrive where you are in this moment without a history, a process, and accomplishing your dreams will require the guidance and principle and unfoldment of process. This is true of everyone you admire. Engage the principle and process now, for time waits on no one.
 Sacred Music by:
Raed Saade   
Jennifer Wallace, Rob Woyshner, Lou Savage, and Quentin Dennard  

Founder's Spanish Ministry

Domingo, 23 de septiembre       
  Eugenio Torres, RScP, Facilitator, 
Guitarista y Cantador  
La escuela dominical está disponible al mismo tiempo
para los niños de 3 años y más


Brent Jones and the kids rock the Fire program on September 15th!!!
The next meeting is Saturday September 22nd
Tell your teens!!!

 Ernest's Corner

This whole idea is so simple that it often eludes us. We are surrounded by a Creative Mind which reacts to our thinking. The sum total of all our tinking decides what is going to happen to us. We can change our thinking and cause the very Law that limited us to bring us freedom. What more could we ask? What more could be given than this? 
-Ernest Holmes

Living the Science of Mind, P. 20                 

Featuring Dr. Arthur Chang 
Next week, on "This Thing Called Life"   
Dr. Arthur will be speaking on the theme:  
"Your Life: What Is It to You?"
The weekly broadcasts are: 
Monday: "Clarify and Live Your Purpose Daily"
Tuesday: "Blamers become Lamers"
Wednesday: "Holy Ground: Your Starting Place for Greatness"
Thursday: "Relationship: Your Rich Soil for Thriving and Flourishing"
Friday: "Hard Is a Reason to Grow; not Quit!"
The shows are posted daily and available 24 hours. 

Col. Solomon Jamerson and Wall Street Journal reporter, Nour Malas.

Nour Malas of the Wall Street Journal interviews Founder's member and Silver Star recipient, Col. Solomon Jamerson at Founder's. Amid spread out memorabilia, Nour learns of Col. Jamerson's heroism in the Korean War. The text of his citation is below:

Wednesday Service is being revisioned!!  
Stay tuned for dates and times!




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Check out Founder's website for classes
 and other information.

Founder's Center for Spiritual Living, 3281 W. 6th St., Los Angeles, CA 90020
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