Someone Actually Painted Trump Draining The Swamp And It's Truly Incredible

    Sadly, Scott Pruitt was either absent the day this portrait was taken or had already resigned in disgrace, but everyone else is here! (h/t Southpaw)

    This amazing painting by John McNaughton is called "Crossing the Swamp." It is very good.

    It is a direct reference to, and massive improvement upon, the painting "Washington Crossing the Delaware," by Emmanuel Leutze.

    For instance, unlike Leutze's painting, this painting has Sarah Huckabee Sanders in it. She is majestically shooing alligators away from the boat.

    Another reason Leutze's painting is literal garbage compared with this one is that these jerks have no idea what it means to Make America Great Again.

    They're just going on a boat trip to brawl with some Hessians in New Jersey.

    Also, in Leutze's painting, none of these fools is bothering to wear camo, which is as unfashionable as it is dangerous.

    The sneaky boys and girls from "Crossing the Swamp," on the other hand, are almost invisible! When the Deep State looks at this picture, all they see is an empty boat.

    But look more closely ...

    National Security Advisor John Bolton sits patriotically astride Ivanka and Kellyanne Conway as he surveys the horizon for varmints.

    Much like George Washington's soldiers, who were unhappy because it was 29 degrees and many of them were about to die, Ivanka is suffering because she has a headache.

    Mike Pence is hugging the American flag like a security blanket. He looks so sad!

    And then there's Jeff Sessions. They let Sessions hold the flashlight while his best friend Mike Pompeo holds the binoculars. Nobody messes with Sessions and Pompeo!

    Meanwhile, Nikki Haley is poking an alligator with a sharp stick while James Mattis looks in the water for his contact lens. This is a metaphor for America's foreign policy.

    And then there's Melania. Nobody gave her a gun, or an oar, or even some cool binoculars like Pompeo has, but she has to be in this dumb boat anyway, whether she likes it or not.

    This alligator is the fake news media probably!

    This alligator is the Democratic establishment. He just came from a focus group.

    And this alligator is probably Angela Merkel. She is exhausted.