Forums - QCA4020 Heap - Memory leak with FreeRTOS Cellular Library

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QCA4020 Heap - Memory leak with FreeRTOS Cellular Library
Join Date: 26 Feb 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2022-04-11 13:23

We have ported the FreeRTOS Cellular Library to the QCA4020 platform and use this to connect to a Quectel BG95 cellular modem via UART using AT commands. The library uses a lot of short term mallocs/frees. Every command that is received, gets its own memory until it processed and then it is released. We have debugged it by keeping a log of all the mallocs & frees to prove that they match and pair up. We are experiencing a small memory leak of ~100 bytes on a successful connection and ~500 bytes on an unsuccessful connection (more commands and retries received via UART).

We are using qapi_Heap_Status to monitor the memory usage. Has anyone experienced this same memory leak behavior on the QCA4020 either through multi-mallocs or the FreeRTOS Cellular library?


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Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Location: San Jose
Posts: 317
Posted: Tue, 2022-05-10 20:34

Can you help to run standalone AT commands on QCA4020 and confirm the leaks ?

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