Paper Summary

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Racialized Emotions as Maps and Compasses for Students of Color Navigating Predominantly White Institutions

Sat, April 10, 12:20 to 1:20pm EDT (12:20 to 1:20pm EDT), Division G, Division G - Section 5 Roundtable Sessions


Students of color in predominantly white institutions (PWI’s) often experience racial microaggressions as well as some microaffirmations. In this study, we analyze sixteen student narratives describing moments of racial microaggression and racial microaffirmation at a PWI. To do this, we employ Bonilla-Silva’s (2019) concept of racialized emotions: emotions that arise specifically within our racial hierarchy and shape our experiences within it. We identify the racialized emotions expressed in the narratives and explore the function they serve for the storytellers. We find that racialized emotions are like navigational tools. First, like maps, they allow students to understand the terrain of racial interaction. Second, like compasses, they help students find their way through life in a predominantly white, often racist institution.
