Forums - Timers

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Join Date: 29 Aug 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2019-08-29 13:10

Hi All 

   My question is regarding the timers in CSR1010. Recently i am using the 4 timers 

#define MAX_TIMERS 4

#define Timer_Read_Sensor (50*MILLISECOND) //50ms


#define Timer_Six_Hour (60* SECOND) // 60 sec temp time


#define Timer_Thirty_Sec (10 * SECOND) // 10 second timer


#define Timer_Five_Sec (5* SECOND) // 5 second timer


similarly , 4 call backs against each timer 

for example

static void timerCallback_Read_Sensor(timer_id const id)


issue i am facing is that , i am using the 4 timers as mentioned above and my requirement is to run each timer on specfic event , Lets suppose i want to run 60and 10 seconds  seconds timers continously , But if a event occurs then 5 seconds timer should work and 10 and 60 seconds timers should be disable.

i am able to implement that logic using the flags . But issue is that when 5 seconds timer was running then 10 sec and 60sec timer also called / run .

Your help is required in this regard and greatly appreicated .


Should i need to use the DeleteTimer function for above mentined case ? Means to delete the remaining 2 timers while running the required timer which was activated by certain event . Am i right ? if yes can you please share a simple code example for that ?


Thanks in advance 






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