Amazon Seller Account Suspension

amazon seller account suspension

If you come across Amazon account suspension you will get the whole business stops and revenue ceases to exist. Regrettably, suspensions are very common, largely because of Amazon’s strict adherence to customer obsession, a significant principle in its mission statement. If anybody at Amazon believes that, for any reason, you are not following their terms and conditions you may get yourself with no sales and a performance notification email in your inbox.

Maintaining the standards is vital for being a successful Amazon Seller, and it can occasionally be completely out of your control when a claim is put in place against you which involves an account ban before it is resolved.

Amazon’s top-quality customer service can just leave you and other sellers completely screwed so to speak!

Now all you require to overcome this is the Vintek system team – a unique firm that knows every in and out of the Amazon operations, with access to best experience and strong links with ex-Amazon Lawyers. Our team can assist any seller who has unluckily been suspended from the Amazon portal.

Do you presently have the text below in your inbox?

"If Your Amazon Seller account has been temporarily deactivated and your listings are no longer active, then funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address the following issue."

Being remove from the Amazon Portal is distressing enough, and to put the cherry on the cake!  Amazon will not even transfer any funds left in the account during the period of suspension despite the cause they gave.

And is this even fair? Most definitely not! - How can they give wonderful customer service and exclusive support to the customers and not the sellers?

Running an Internet-based business must never be a continuous risk – but when you have an Amazon orientated one regrettably it is!

Causes for the suspension comprising:

  • Inauthentic Complaints
  • Used item sold as new 
  • Order defect rate >1%
  • Late shipment rate >4%
  • Pre-fulfillment cancel rate >2.5%
  • Product security Complaints
  • The listing does not match detail page
  • Not as advertised
  • Expired items
  • Fake item
  • Selling banned Items
  • Confirming orders prior to the actual shipment of the item.
What is incorporated into this product?

1. Appeal Letter in the purchased time frame
2. Round the clock service from our team
3. Unlimited letters to a similar appeal case.

Appropriate for all Amazon Marketplaces comprising:


Please Note: The times accessible for purchase above represent the time our lawyers will need to complete the Amazon appeal letter and information for your unique case.

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