Forums - to use temp Sensor based on SPI

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to use temp Sensor based on SPI
Join Date: 18 Jan 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2017-05-10 01:50

Dear all,

We are about to attach temp sensor(MAX31855)  on RB02(QCA4010) module throuh SPI.

However, we met a problem about how we will use SPI. Because we don't have any example about SPI use except test spi flash.

Please advice a guide for use SPI in RB02.



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Join Date: 15 Aug 17
Posts: 5
Posted: Wed, 2017-08-16 02:35

Dear Customer,


int test_spi_read_max31855_cs=SPI_CS_1;

int test_spi_read_max31855_init=0;

void test_spi_read_max31855(unsigned char *buf, int size)


                A_UINT32 req[1];




                qcom_spi_init(test_spi_read_max31855_cs, SPI_MOSI_1, SPI_MISO_1, SPI_SCLK_1, SPI_FREQ_400K);



                req[0] = 0; //0x9f;


                qcom_spi_response(buf,(unsigned int )size);




Void test_main(void)


        unsigned int val=0;

        test_spi_read_max31855((unsigned char *)&val, 4);


        /* convert the data */

        unsigned int output;

        output = ((val&0xff)<<24) | (((val>>8)&0xff)<<16) | (((val>>16)&0xff)<<8) | (((val>>24)&0xff));

        SWAT_PTF("%s: get val 0x%x\n", __func__, output);





When using mp1 board, please connect as:

                                CS :  jp4.12

                                SCK: jp4.4

                                SO :  jp4.2


int test_spi_read_max31855_cs=SPI_CS_1;

int test_spi_read_max31855_init=0;


void test_spi_read_max31855(unsigned char *buf, int size)


                A_UINT32 req[1];




                                qcom_spi_init(test_spi_read_max31855_cs, SPI_MOSI_1, SPI_MISO_1, SPI_SCLK_1, SPI_FREQ_400K);



                req[0] = 0; //0x9f;


                qcom_spi_response(buf,(unsigned int )size);










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