What is LTE Broadcast and what services does it provide?
LTE Broadcast is a technology specified as part of 3GPP LTE standards and it provides streaming and file download services. As an example, at a sporting venue, providing streaming video and real-time sport statistics.

What is the purpose of LTE Broadcast SDK?
The LTE Broadcast SDK enables Android developers to create Android applications for streaming and file delivery services using Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (eMBMS), a technology specified as part of 3GPP LTE standards.

Who can use the LTE Broadcast SDK?
Android developers who design and develop eMBMS applications in conjunction with carriers providing LTE Broadcast service.

What kind of application can be built using LTE Broadcast SDK?
You can build Android applications which uses LTE Broadcast for providing streaming or file download services.

What is included in the LTE Broadcast SDK package?
The LTE Broadcast SDK package contains two components Multicast Services Device Client (MSDC) API and DASH Player API with the following contents:

    • API Specification
    • API library: This library has the implementation of the API
    • Test tool: API Stub tool generates notifications for testing the application which uses the API
      • API Stub User Guide
      • API Stub library: This library includes the implementation of API Stub tool
      • Stub_config.xml : This file includes a sample configuration for the Stub tool
  • DASH Player API
    • API Specification
    • API library: This library has the implementation of the API

Is there any tool to test the API usage in the application?
Yes. The API Stub is a tool included in the SDK which facilitates testing of the API by generating the notifications based on the calls from the application for specific use cases using a configuration file.

Which mobile devices support LTE Broadcast?
The Android application developers can use Stub tool to test their application on any Android device. However the developers need to work with their carrier or handset manufacturer to determine the target device which has been LTE Broadcast enabled.

How can the LTE Broadcast application be tested end-to-end on a network?
The Android application developers need to work with their carrier or handset manufacturer to obtain access to a test network.

What is new with Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) SDK version
This SDK allows support of playback of different audio tracks together with the video stream, such as support for different language tracks.

What is Qualcomm MBMS API Extension and how is it different from the Qualcomm LTE Broadcast SDK?
Starting from Android 9.0 (Pie), Android supports MBMS natively in the Android SDK. The Qualcomm MBMS API extension can be used to extend the Android API for additional features/functionality. The Qualcomm LTE Broadcast SDK is a complete SDK for Android that does not use the Android MBMS API.

What is the additional functionality in Qualcomm MBMS API Extension v5.3.01.02 compared to Android 10 MBMS support?
The additional API enables the delivery of a service announcement file to the MBMS middleware. The service announcement file may describe one or more services and should be constructed according to the MBMS User Service Discovery / Announcement Profile 1b as described in 3GPP TS 26.346. Mission critical data may be delivered on file delivery services. Such services are typically described in a service announcement file that is delivered to mission critical clients. A mission critical client passes the service announcement file to the MBMS middleware using this interface, and then consumes the Mission Critical Data (MCData) delivered through file delivery services over MBMS. Service announcement, file delivery and MCData are a set of procedures and services defined by 3GPP.

How can I get support for my technical questions regarding API usage?
For support information, please check out the LTE Broadcast SDK forum.