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Help with spawnAI CFGclasses

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Hello again!
I don't want to necro an old thread, so ill bring up the elephant here.
Someone needed help with custom factions using the spawn ai module, Larrow was so nice to share a CFG he made, which works perfectly.
HOWEVER, whenever adding tanks, motorized and such, it breaks the scripts even though I've tried a million ways and OP never shared how he made it work.
So my questions are.
A. How to i put in the Armor, motorized and mechanized and format it, without breaking the whole thing.

B. This question is not as relevant but i figured i asked it here, since i need it for the same project. I want Air vehicles to spawn aswell, which the module cannot do, so i was going to sync AI in air vehicles aswell as their vehicle to the tactics module. HOWEVER, i need to figure out how to make them spawn ect mid-mission and be synced.. or to make them "respawn" and still be synced. (I am ofc aware that respawning AI is not a thing, but regardless, I want so somehow simulate the effect.)

Original code by Larrow


class CfgGroups {

    class west {

        class myCustomWestFaction { //Name for your custom faction

            class Infantry {    //SpawnAI module looks for this class

            	class myCustomWestInfGroup_1units {    //Can be called anything, name used for blacklisting

                    class unit0 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";     //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                    //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";            //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };    //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                class myCustomWestInfGroup_3units {    //Can be called anything, name used for blacklisting

                    class unit0 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };   //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit1 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 5, -5, 0 };  //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit2 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { -5, -5, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point


                class myCustomWestInfGroup_6units {    //Can be called anything, name used for blacklisting

                    class unit0 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };   //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit1 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 5, -5, 0 };  //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit2 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { -5, -5, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit3 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 10, -10, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit4 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { -10, -10, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit5 {
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";    //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                   //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "PRIVATE";           //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 15, -15, 0 }; //offset position unit spawns from spawn point


            class Motorized {};     //SpawnAI module looks for this class for
            class Mechanized {};    //SpawnAI module looks for this class
            class Armored {};       //SpawnAI module looks for this class



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I haven't created a cfgGroup in a long time.

I have tested and it works.
It should get you started with adding Mechanized and Armoured groups.




class CfgFactionClasses
	access = 1;
	class myCustomWestFaction
		displayName = "Razzored Faction";
		priority = 1;
		side = 1;
		icon = "\a3\Data_f\cfgFactionClasses_BLU_ca.paa";
		//flag = "\a3\Data_f\Flags\flag_nato_co.paa";

class CfgGroups
    class west
        class myCustomWestFaction
			name = "Razzored Faction";
            class Infantry
				name = "Infantry";
            	class myCustomWestInfGroup_1units
					name = "Infantry 1 Man";
					side = 1;
					faction = "myCustomWestFaction";
                    class unit0
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "SERGANT";
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
                class myCustomWestInfGroup_3units
					name = "Infantry 3 Men";
					side = 1;
					faction = "myCustomWestFaction";
                    class unit0
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "SERGANT";
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
                    class unit1
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "PRIVATE";
                        position[] = { 5, -5, 0 };
                    class unit2
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "PRIVATE";
                        position[] = { -5, -5, 0 };

                class myCustomWestInfGroup_6units
					name = "Infantry 6 Men";
					side = 1;
					faction = "myCustomWestFaction";
                    class unit0
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "SERGANT";
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };
                    class unit1
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "PRIVATE";
                        position[] = { 5, -5, 0 };
                    class unit2
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "PRIVATE";
                        position[] = { -5, -5, 0 };
                    class unit3
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "PRIVATE";
                        position[] = { 10, -10, 0 };
                    class unit4
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "PRIVATE";
                        position[] = { -10, -10, 0 };
                    class unit5
                        vehicle = "B_Soldier_F";
                        side = 1;
                        rank = "PRIVATE";
                        position[] = { 15, -15, 0 };

			class Motorized
				name = "Motorized Infantry";
				class myCustomWestMotInfTeam
					name = "Motorized Team";
					side = 1;
					faction = "myCustomWestFaction";
					icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\b_motor_inf.paa";
					class Unit0
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_MRAP_01_gmg_F";
						rank = "SERGEANT";
						position[] = {0, 0, 0};
					class Unit1
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_soldier_AR_F";
						rank = "CORPORAL";
						position[] = {5, -5, 0};
					class Unit2
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_soldier_LAT_F";
						rank = "PRIVATE";
						position[] = {-5, -5, 0};

				class myCustomWestMotAT
					name = "Motorized Anti-armor Team";
					side = 1;
					faction = "myCustomWestFaction";
					icon = "\A3\ui_f\data\map\markers\nato\b_motor_inf.paa";
					class Unit0
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_MRAP_01_F";
						rank = "SERGEANT";
						position[] = {0, 0, 0};
					class Unit1
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_soldier_AT_F";
						rank = "CORPORAL";
						position[] = {5, -5, 0};
					class Unit2
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_soldier_AT_F";
						rank = "CORPORAL";
						position[] = {-5, -5, 0};
					class Unit3
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_soldier_AAT_F";
						rank = "PRIVATE";
						position[] = {0, -10, 0};

			class Helicopters
				name = "Helicopters";
				class myCustomWestHeli1
					name = "Helicopter 1";
					side = 1;
					faction = "myCustomWestFaction";
					class Unit0
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_Heli_Transport_01_F";
						rank = "LIEUTENANT";
						position[] = {0, 0, 25};
				class myCustomWestHeli2
					name = "Helicopter 2";
					side = 1;
					faction = "myCustomWestFaction";
					class Unit0
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_Heli_Transport_01_F";
						rank = "LIEUTENANT";
						position[] = {-25, 0, 25};	//	Shame Z doesn't work.
					class Unit1
						side = 1;
						vehicle = "B_Heli_Transport_01_F";
						rank = "LIEUTENANT";
						position[] = {25, 0, 25};




Edit: Apologies for the crap formatting. 

Edited by Maff
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Will try out ASAP, Thanks man, i like that you added helicopters, but i am unsure if they SpawnAI module will actually spawn and utilize helis. Guess ill find out 😛

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The settings for Armored is the same as you can see in CfgGroups for the base game.

Something like...

            class Armored {			//SpawnAI module looks for this class

                class myCustomWestTanks_2 {    //Can be called anything, name used for blacklisting

                    class unit0 {
                        vehicle = "B_MBT_01_cannon_F";     //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                    //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";            //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };    //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit1 {
                        vehicle = "B_MBT_01_cannon_F";     //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                    //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";            //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { -10, -10, 0 };    //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

BUT Make sure your manpower cap is big enough to spawn at least something. Currently there is a bug in one of the module functions, where if it cannot spawn something then it errors due to a wrong variable used in the spawnAI modules script. FB_Ticket

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Thanks Larrow.
Yeah the problem i experienced before where it did not spawn anything, most likely weren't due to manpower as it was set to 50.
And i only added class to the WEST faction, east also broke every time, so it was 100% a formatting issue, due to not closing off the config correctly 🙂 Haven't tested any of the things submitted yet, but i will get on that later today/night depending on whereabouts people are in the world 🙂

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16 hours ago, Larrow said:

The settings for Armored is the same as you can see in CfgGroups for the base game.

Something like...

            class Armored {			//SpawnAI module looks for this class

                class myCustomWestTanks_2 {    //Can be called anything, name used for blacklisting

                    class unit0 {
                        vehicle = "B_MBT_01_cannon_F";     //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                    //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";            //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { 0, 0, 0 };    //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

                    class unit1 {
                        vehicle = "B_MBT_01_cannon_F";     //Class name of unit/vehicle
                        side = 1;                    //index of unit side being [ east, west, independent, civilian ]
                        rank = "SERGANT";            //rank name from CfgRanks
                        position[] = { -10, -10, 0 };    //offset position unit spawns from spawn point

BUT Make sure your manpower cap is big enough to spawn at least something. Currently there is a bug in one of the module functions, where if it cannot spawn something then it errors due to a wrong variable used in the spawnAI modules script. FB_Ticket

Btw I see you only put vehicle class name in the unit section? whereas another guy who seemed to get it working seamlessly also put infantry units in the "vehicle groups".. Will the vehicles spawn in empty or with AI in them?
I also noticed that when adding vehicles manually and then adding a script to make AI get in vehicles on their own.. vehicles whose squad leader was inside the vehicle instead of outside, were really bad at moving to sectors and would rather just fuck around.

Don't i need to add crew members to armor class?
Why do they turn off their brain when a teamleader drives?

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33 minutes ago, razzored said:

Don't i need to add crew members to armor class?



35 minutes ago, razzored said:

Will the vehicles spawn in empty or with AI in them?

The vehicle will have crew already mounted based on the classname config.




37 minutes ago, razzored said:

I see you only put vehicle class name in the unit section?

whereas another guy who seemed to get it working seamlessly also put infantry units in the "vehicle groups".

You can configure a group containing both vehicles and infantry.

See my Motorized example, which I copied from the base config.
The vehicle will already have a crew, and your infantry will be dismounted.


41 minutes ago, razzored said:

Why do they turn off their brain when a teamleader drives?

What do you mean? 🤣

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Thanks for the clarification 😛 

1 hour ago, Maff said:

What do you mean? 🤣

I did a workaround initially with script spawned vehicles, then i modified the AI to enter vehicles on own accord.
What I learned was this.

Exhibit A
5 man squad, leader and other guy goes on foot to objective/sector, while 3 other guys enter apc ect, follows leader and provides excellent fire support and DOMINATE the AO.

Exhibit B
5 man team all enter vehicle ect a APC. They stay at vehicle location for like 10 minutes, while their understaffed team is loosing sectors.. they finally move out move close to first sector (which they already have) and take a coffee break for another 10 mins.. then they move a slight bit again (maybe) before taking another break.

A few times a whole team would enter a vehicle and do exhibit A.. IE actually be combat efficient, but 7/10 times, if the whole crew was mounted, they would just mess around and do fuck all 😛 (my only guess would be that infantry linked to sector tactics, get confused when forced to be a vehicle crew by another script?)
Apart from custom AI behavior messing with them, i cannot find any other explanation.

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