Paper Summary

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Professional Learning: What Principals Get, What They Want, and What Gets in the Way

Sat, April 10, 9:30 to 10:30am EDT (9:30 to 10:30am EDT), Division A, Division A - Section 5 Poster Sessions


Strong principals are effective in creating positive school cultures, retaining good teachers, and ensuring that students’ physical, social, and psychological needs are met. Studies show that higher principal quality is associated with better graduation rates and student achievement.
Professional development is key for principals to build their leadership capacity. Applied learning, mentorship and coaching, networking opportunities, and content focused on instruction, organization, and managing change, are important features of impactful professional development. This paper presents findings from a national survey of elementary school principals: many principals did not have access to the features of high-quality professional learning; principals were most likely to want professional development to address the whole child; and principals face obstacles to participating in professional learning.
