
The Price of Singlehood: Assessing the Impact of Involuntary Singlehood on Emotions and Life Satisfaction

  • Menelaos ApostolouEmail author
  • Ioanna Matogian
  • Georgia Koskeridou
  • Marios Shialos
  • Polixeni Georgiadou
Original Article


A considerable proportion of people living in Western societies are single, i.e., they do not have an intimate partner. Recent research has indicated that about half of these instances are involuntary—people want to be in a relationship, but face difficulties in attracting partners. Within the context of an evolutionary theoretical framework, the current study aims to estimate the occurrence of involuntary singlehood in the Greek cultural context and to assess its impact on emotional wellbeing and on life satisfaction. Using an online sample of 735 Greek-speaking participants (431 women and 304 men), it was found that nearly 40% of those who were single were involuntarily so. It was also found that involuntary singles experienced significantly more negative emotions and lower life satisfaction than voluntary singles and people in a relationship.


Singlehood Involuntary singlehood Emotions Life satisfaction Mating 


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Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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Authors and Affiliations

  1. 1.University of NicosiaNicosiaCyprus

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