
He’s almost 7 ft long, and as sweet as he is lovely! 

Saturn, 2016 Cave-Dwelling Rat snake (Orthriophis t. ridleyi)

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i haven’t posted anything in a long time, but just wanted to pop in to update you all.

i came home from work today to find zazikel passed away. :( i’m not sure what happened, but given that she was a rescue and was originally from a pet store, i imagine it was an unremarkable health complication and don’t feel the need for a necropsy.

i may look into getting another beardie, possibly a rankin’s, at some point in the future, but probably not for a while. i have a lot of animals right now and don’t feel like i need to immediately replace her. unless another rescue falls into my lap, her tank will probably be empty for a bit.

everyone else is doing peachy.


Pea berries.

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Ambilobe Panther Chameleon

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Happy Snolidays!! @cornsnoot

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This girl is starting to fill out quite nicely! I am really pleased with how saturated she is getting - she looks like a gummy worm!

Prudence, 2016 Purple Sharp (Boa imperator)

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Dendrobates auratus - Camouflage Poison Dart Frog

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heard y’all like frogs

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