Student Library Evaluation Survey
We would like your honest evaluation to help us improve your library. No names are recorded and all responses will be kept anonymous.
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I am in: *
I identify as: *
How often do you use the library? *
Why do you come to the library? Check ONE OR MORE applicable boxes *
How do you rate library spaces ? *
How could we improve the library spaces? *
Have you used Oliver Library Online via your DoE Portal to check the library catalogue for available resources? *
Captionless Image
How do you rate the Library's fiction (story books) collection? *
How do you rate the Library's non-fiction (information books) collection? *
The library welcomes suggestions for book purchases. If you have any in mind, please write the titles here: *
Rate the library staff services *
What do you value most about the school library? *
How could the library be improved? *
Any further comments or suggestions? *
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