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Klaudia at the optician's


Klaudia at the optician's

Can I help you?

Yes, I've just had my eyes tested. Here's the prescription your optician gave me.

Ah, yes. Have you worn glasses or contacts before?

No, neither. Lately, I've been having difficulty reading in dim light. My boyfriend keeps telling me to stop squinting.

Don't worry. Most people become long-sighted in the course of time.

I've bought myself a pair of ready readers recently.

We definitely don't recommend those. You can ruin your eyesight with the wrong lenses.

Oh...Too bad. They were very cheap.

Have you thought about trying varifocals?

Does that mean they're tinted?

No, no. The lenses are colourless. The offer comes with a beautiful case.

Can I try a few frames to see what suits me?

In a while...

Have you already chosen the frames?

Yes, I chose these ones.They are casual and pretty.

an optician - optyk a prescription - recepta contacts - szkła kontaktowe in dim light - w przyciemnionym świetle to squint - mrużyć oczy ready readers - tanie okulary do czytania eyesight - wzrok lenses - soczewki varifocals - soczewki daleko-bliskowzroczne tinted - przyciemniony colourless - bezbarwny case - opakowanie frames - oprawki casual - codzienny, nieformalny