Forums - Kernel Analyzer working?

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Kernel Analyzer working?
Join Date: 29 Aug 16
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2016-11-04 15:35

Does Kernel Analyzer working in Snapdragon Profiler 1.5.4 ?

Where is the document on the Kernel Analyzer?

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eshaw Moderator
Join Date: 12 May 16
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Posted: Tue, 2016-11-08 13:29

Currently the kernel analyzer tool requires an OpenCL application to be running on the device while using the anaylzer. We plan to remove this limitation in a future release.



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Join Date: 29 Aug 16
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2016-11-29 08:57

Hi, Eric,

I have my OpenCL app running on the device and I can see the GPU utilization change when I run or stop my OpenCL app. The Kernel Analyzer still does not show anything when you click on compile.

Is there a way to make the tool spit out why it does not spit out anything or even an error message?




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Carlos Dominguez Moderator
Join Date: 27 Jul 15
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Posted: Fri, 2016-12-09 11:01

Is the app you are running a command line application or an apk? depending on what you are running there's a few considerations that you'll have to keep in mind:

For both APK and command line apps you will have to make sure you start your app after connecting to Snapdragon Profiler for the tool to bootstrap properly. 

APK: If the app only calls CL APIs on demand (perhaps at a push of a button) you will need to instrument it to continously call CL APIs so Snapdragon Profiler has continous connection with the app.

Command line: The requirements above apply but command line apps have a helper flag that can be set to signal the application to block execution until the app is captured. The byproduct of this flag is that it will maintain continous connection with Snapdragon Profiler and can be used to process your Kernel Analyzer calls. This flag can be set in the "Options" view in Snapdragon Profiler by setting "Options->OpenCL->EnableBlocking" to true.

I recommend as an interim solution to create a command line application that continuously calls "clGetPlatformIDs" on an infinite loop.

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