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Of Course 'Fortnite' Is Copying 'Apex Legends'

Updated Mar 5, 2019, 08:00am EST
This article is more than 5 years old.

Credit: Epic Games

A lot of games have come into the battle royale space since PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and then Fortnite exploded in 2017, but Apex Legends is the first to actually shake up the space since Fortnite. It only came out a month ago, but it's already made its way up to 50 million players and made an impression on the streaming and esports worlds. With that in mind, it shouldn't be surprising that Epic Games took notice: when the developer launched the eight season of Fortnite last week, players were somewhat surprised to see some of Apex's most-praised systems already showing up in its primary competition. Not only did Fortnite get a version of the ping system that allows players to communicate nonverbally, but it also seemed to be showing some mysterious blue vans that pointed to an upcoming respawn feature--something the developers have said they're thinking about and now seems highly likely.

That Fortnite copied some of these features shouldn't be that strange--a respawn feature is clearly a good idea, and I expect nearly every matchmade multiplayer game to have some sort of ping system in a year or so. It's still something to behold, however, whether you're a fan of the blatant copying or not. Like I said, Apex Legends only came out a month ago, and now Epic is already bringing features into Fortnite. It's possible that Epic had already been working on these things, but the timing is certainly suspect.

The timing is mostly suspect because this is Fortnite we're dealing with here. Or, more specifically, this is Fornite: Battle Royale we're dealing with here. It's a game that was created by following in the footsteps of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, but that's not the only factor here. Everyone in the summer and fall of 2016 wanted to copy PUBG, but it was Fortnite that did so with lightning speed, beating other major competitors by months and months. There are a lot of factors that contributed to Fortnite's success, but at the core of the entire phenomenon is Epic Games' development speed.

Epic Games also makes the Unreal Engine, the underlying technology behind Fortnite and a huge number of other games. An engine essentially a set of tools that can be used to develop games more quickly and efficiently than could theoretically be done by a developer starting from scratch, and Unreal has been one of the biggest names in the space for years. Developers at Epic Games are excellent at using the Unreal Engine.

Fortnite has been described as a kind of living version of the Unreal Engine, designed for adaptability and development speed. That's how the game is able to get so much new content all the time, though the fact that Epic Games quickly gave it the lions' share of its workforce helped, too. If Epic managed to copy Apex Legends in this impressive amount of time, it's because the game has been set up for that sort of thing since day one.

So while there might be something a little cringey about the ping system showing up in Fortnite, presumably followed by the revive system, it's still impressive. Epic was not particularly shy about copying the basic setup of its game from PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and it doesn't seem like it's being shy about borrowing from Apex either. Part of this games' longevity may be its ability to take the best part from its competition in record time. It's certainly worked before.