Data reveals some of the most powerful sprinters of 2018, and their numbers are pretty mind-blowing

Velon pulls together some of the stand-out numbers produced this year

André Greipel wins stage six of the 2018 Tour Down Under

(Image credit: Yuzuru Sunada)

If you've ever wondered what sort of numbers the world's top sprinters are able to produce, and also how you measure up, then Velon has pulled together the stand-out sprints which it measured over the course of the 2018 season.

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Richard Windsor

Follow on Twitter: @richwindy

Richard is digital editor of Cycling Weekly. Joining the team in 2013, Richard became editor of the website in 2014 and coordinates site content and strategy, leading the news team in coverage of the world's biggest races and working with the tech editor to deliver comprehensive buying guides, reviews, and the latest product news.

An occasional racer, Richard spends most of his time preparing for long-distance touring rides these days, or getting out to the Surrey Hills on the weekend on his Specialized Tarmac SL6 (with an obligatory pub stop of course).