The Blue-Print for the New Republic – Part II


16. America severs it´s ties and frees herself from the foreign interests and powers that have enslaved her. No more holders of foreign titles of nobility are allowed to hold any office in the U.S. 

●  All vicar generals are expelled from the U.S.. The current state of martial law and secret military rule is ended.

17. All US land seized unconstitutionally and in violation of the rights of the heirs of the land is returned to the States and to the rightful original heirs/ owners.  (Such as the land seized from the Hammonds in Oregon and which Harry Reed has tried to seize from the Bundys using the corrupt judge he has appointed judge Gloria Navarro of Nevada. The same thing judge Anna J. Brown in Oregon has done. Both of them have banned the Constitution from their courts and must be prosecuted under the full extent of the law for doing this).

18. Agencies that are abusing the population, stealing the land, making an illegal profit off of the land, enriching those with titles of nobility, killing the animals and destroying the environment are closed down, such as the BLM.  Illegal unconstitutional BLM land seizures cease and all land seized illegally by the BLM is returned to the States and/or the rightful original owners.

19. Enrichment of politicians is forbidden. The formation of private charity entities by politicians is forbidden. 

●  The use of such organizations such as the CLINTON FOUNDATION for drug trafficking, human trafficking of children, personal enrichment and to favor the private bankers and the interests of the private bankers, for money laundering, weapons sales and the like is expressly forbidden.

20. The original constitution of 1789 is restored as well as all the amendments ratified by the States which never went into effect, especially pertaining to foreign nobility holding public offices.  Any holder of foreign titles of nobility is vetted from holding any public office in the judicial, political system. Any person holding a title of foreign nobility is forbidden from holding any public office, per the previously states ratified 13th amendment to the constitution, which was illegally removed from the organic constitution in 1871.  All those holding a foreign title of nobility are immediately removed from public office.

21. Those holding the position of  Vicar Generals, subjecting the country to the authority of any religious organization or foreign religious power are removed from their offices and sent back to their country of origin. They are forbidden to continue enslaving the American public to a foreign power and violating the original Constitution for the united States of America. 

22. All those holding public offices and which have not been directly elected by the public, but rather appointed, are immediately removed from their positions and elections are held to appoint the new representatives of the people.

It will be done. No use in resisting this new movement. 

23. All foreign owned, unconstitutional agencies are closed. All alphabet duck soup agencies functioning un-constitutionally under the color of law, and being privately owned foreign owned corporations with no legal Constitutional charter to be operating on U.S. soil shall be shut-down and new US government owned agencies shall be created to replace them. 

24. The true history of the US and of the world is taught in the schools, which we know is not the case at the present time.

25. Theories such as evolution are taught in the schools as they should be – as a theory only and not as a fact.

26. All troops engaged in foreign illegal wars for profit are brought home.

27. The use of mercenaries overseas and at home is expressly forbidden. All mercenaries on US soil are immediately removed. (See Pinkerton Act and other laws).  The BLM used mercenary armies illegal at the Bundy stand-off. This was highly ILLEGAL.

28. All UN troops on US soil are asked to go home, we don´t need you.  All UN troops currently on US soil are asked to immediately leave the US. All plans of Obama or any administration to subject the US residents to martial law or throw them into FEMA camps is declared to be an act of war against American citizens and all those who conspired to prepare such plans are thrown into the FEMA camps they created.  Restrictions shall be put on the power of the UN to act within the US, to avoid a violation of national sovereignty.  UN FORCES currently on US soil shall be asked to go home. They shall not be allowed and only if approved by Congress and when needed.

29. The Council of Foreign Relations – CFR shall be brought into check and control. It has become a mammoth out of control supporting globalism and the interests of the elite and we question it ´s value in serving America truly. The same applies to Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and such UN agendas.

30. The underground tunnels under Wallmarts are scrutinized. The underground trains with shackles on them are blow up.  Secret underground tunnels being used by Supremacists to enter states and execute actions using mercenary armies are declared illegal and a threat to the sovereignty of the states. Access to such tunnels is restricted and no longer freely given unless jurisdiction can be proven. The federal government is no longer permitted to use such tunnels to violate and infringe upon the sovereignty of the states.   The Pinkerton Act shall be upheld and mercenary forces on US soil prohibited and asked to leave immediately, such as those employed in Harney County Oregon during the Oregon stand-off.

31. All underground DUMB bases doing illegal human cloning or seizing children are either closed down, taken over by the white hats or blow up if needed. All secret Nazi underground bases, such as those in Antarctica are blown up by an international coalition of forces. All bases which are not a national security threat are reported to Congress and the activities therein scrutinized. No longer can underground bases and tunnels be used to harass the people and to violate state sovereignty of infringe upon the power of the states. No longer can they be used for actions where the jurisdiction of the federal government cannot be proven, upon the surface of the land or in the air, in violation of state sovereignty.  They will only be allowed to exist to preserve the security of the union or where national security is at risk. All illegal activities in such bases and underground tunnels is stopped, including any human trafficking or trafficking of drugs and illegal substances.

32. All gun sales contracts with countries at war, made illegally for the enrichment of politicians are immediately canceled.

33. All American oil in US land is to be immediately fully explored and priority is given to US oil production over the importation of Opec Oil.  America is set free from Saudi Arabia, and any political influence they exercize over the US and it´s corporations. 

34. The dollar is no longer backed by oil but is now backed by immense fortune and wealth in THE GLOBAL DEBT FACILITY. All the unconstitutional illegal national debt incurred by the unconstitutional private Federal Reserve bank is paid off in full by using the wealth in the Global Debt Facility, if the debt can be proven to be genuine and legitimately owed.  The Wealth in the Global Debt Facility is turned in benefit of the citizens and inhabitants of the earth for reconstruction projects, as it was intended. It is used to pay off the national debt and for infra structure re construction projects.  The private U.S. Federal Reserve banks & THE BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS & the 80 some banks it represents, together with the at least 10 richest families who have become filthy rich off of this banking pyramid scheme and which now owe us TWO QUADRILLION DOLLARS shall pay-off our national debt of 20 trillion.  The richest families shall be required to pay back to the planet THE TWO QUADRILLION DOLLARS THEY OWE the planet after scamming all countries of the world now since they formed the banking cartel at Jeckel Island.  

35. Criminals enriching themselves illegally through the banking system or preventing the development of the US economy, industry or natural resources are sent to jail, such as George Soros.  We already have over 100,000 signatures requesting this. If Trump and the DOJ, Jeff Sessions do not act upon this, they also shall be arrested. All of the wealth of George Soros shall be seized. 

36. Criminals in the judiciary system or in the political system are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, including Loretta Lynch, Bernie Sanders and/or any other found to be engaged in criminal activities which supported the CLINTON FOUNDATION cartel and criminal activities.

37. It is expressly forbidden for federal courts to force Americans into plea bargain agreements, in order to force a conviction. Any such activity on the part of the court system will be considered illegal and unconstitutional and a violation of human rights. All Federal prisoners which were illegally coerced and forced into accepting plea bargains, who have committed no crime, will be immediately set free.

38. The three government power structure of executive, legislative and judicial system has been corrupted and now is in the hands of a few, part of the elite, who manipulate it to their favor and advantage, as needed. This is a violation of the spirit and intent of the law. The three power structure, complete with a system of checks and balances shall be fully restored. 

39. No longer will US Marshalls be allowed to operate with no supervision and control, outside the system of checks and balances, as currently is the case.  The same shall apply to the DOJ.

40. No citizen can be arrested on any federal charge without an arrest warrant. We know that the men from the Oregon standoff were arrested with no arrest warrant, denied their right to bail, denied their right in some cases to choose their own lawyers and held in jail illegal declared guilty until they were declared innocent  by a jury. This shall end.  To achieve this, a complete overhaul of the judicial and law enforcement system is needed. Those conducting illegal road blocks or murdering American citizens shall be prosecuted under the full extent of the law. No longer will the FBI be given immunity to murder, as in the case of LaVoy Finicum. All those who conducted such murder will be prosecuted under the full extent of the law, and any files classified on this case shall be unclassified, to allow for public scrutiny. No longer will they be allowed to declare the evidence against them a national security secret, and ship it off to their headquarters in Washington, while acting outside their lawful jurisdiction.  Federal agents and/or government agents shall be prohibited from acting or prosecuting without being able to prove jurisdiction, as is the case currently.

41. No Federal charge or arrest can be made outside of Federal jurisdiction, or where Federal jurisdiction cannot be proven. No court case can proceed before federal jurisdiction in the location of the event is proven. In the case of the Oregon stand off, federal prosecutors were allowed to continue the case and continue the prosecution even with the 9th circuit appeals court declared that evidence of jurisdiction must be proven before the case could go forward. Judge Anna J. Brown and her Admiralty Maritime administrative court ignored the decision of the appeals court, and illegally proceeded with the prosecution. The men were subsequently declared innocent by the jury, as we all know. This shall not be allowed to happen anymore. 

Secret juries not open to the public, were recording is forbidden, where the public is not given access, shall be forbidden by law. Only public grand juries, where all can come and participate, shall be allowed in the New Republic.









The 139 Articles:





The Structure of the New World Order Pyramid.

The Constitution of 1789 has been suspended since the Civil War.


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