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latest reviews

Awesome experience from ordering to delivery and setup out of the area. Tim was awesome to work with offering very competative pricing! Set up crew were great. This Inspire M3 gym is incredible,...

BY - Teryl F.

Awesome experience from ordering to delivery and setup out of the area. Tim was awesome to work with offering very competative pricing! Set up crew were great. This Inspire M3 gym is incredible, after using our M2 for 17 yrs decided to upgrade, not disappointed. Go with Fx Fitness it will be...

BY - Teryl F.

Let the success story of others attract you to your success. I have always had interest in Bitcoin trading so I can invest for myself and my family, but I was scared of lost until I got convinced by seeing a lot of people giving testimonies about Mrs. Brian Lisa Fx Trader an expert Bitcoin...

BY - Connie Hinds

Great inventory and excellent service. Tim helped me with an Inspire functional trainer almost three years ago. Everything went great including delivery and installation, including custom gym...

BY - Rob B.