Plain Brown Wrapper

The Plain Brown Wrapper is a student produced literary magazine that represents the creativity of the Kennedy community. Any Kennedy student or staff member may submit artwork, music, prose, or poetry for publication.

Pieces that are plagiarized, in part or in whole, may not be published in The Plain Brown Wrapper. In addition, no piece will be published anonymously. Any author or artist submitting to The Plain Brown Wrapper must fill out and sign a submission form indicating that the piece is their own and that it has not been plagiarized. A submission form must be completed and signed for each piece.

Use the "Submission" button (above) to send in your submissions for The Plain Brown Wrapper.

All submissions will be evaluated anonymously by the editorial board for the PBW. Once submissions have been received for publication, the editorial board and the adviser discuss these pieces in a large group setting, paying close attention to artistic quality, writing quality, and audience appeal. Content (language or subject matter) that may be considered controversial is discussed with input from the adviser, but according to Iowa law, students make the final determination as to whether or not such content is published. During these discussions, the author or artist will remain anonymous.

Once discussion is completed, student editors place individual anonymous votes as to whether or not a piece should be published on a scale of 1-5. Again, according to Iowa Law, the adviser does not vote on whether or not a piece is published. Pieces averaging less than 3.0 are not published. Pieces averaging 3.1-3.4 are reconsidered by the editorial board for publication, and pieces averaging 3.5 or higher are published in the magazine.