VOC Award Nominations 2022
Every year at the VOC AGM, various awards are given out. They are divided into two categories, serious and humorous and are described below and in this link:
See past awards: https://www.ubc-voc.com/wiki/Awards 

Please nominate people for the various awards below by typing their name (s) into the text box. If possible, also include a short description of the trips or event you want to nominate them for.

This form was created with the use of the 2021 VOC Awards nomination form.
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Bronze Pin Awards are not necessarily given out each year. They are given to a member who has made a significant contribution to the club over the previous year. The first pin was awarded in 1995 - prior to that pins could be purchased.
Silver pin awards are given to those who have contributed their time and energy to the club "above and beyond the call of duty". This award was instituted in 1950 and had since been awarded to about 60 people. An updated list of recipients can be found in the Wiki link above.
Gold pin awards are given to those club members who have not only devoted much of their time, over a number of years, to the VOC, but have also done some form of outstanding work for the club. Endorsement by 2/3 of the membership at a general meeting is necessary to approve this award. To date only six gold pins have been awarded:
Most Active New Member(s): Usually this is a book prize given to the new member(s) (one per gender min.) who has developed their outdoor skills the most during the previous year (not necessarily given to novices).
Roland Burton Award: Starting as of 2006-2007, this award is dedicated to a person who has contributed the most in leading beginner friendly trips and helping new members feel welcome to the club during various club activities.
The Broken Board Award: This award was originated in 1970 by a group of VOCers involved in building the Pringles Ridge Hut (renamed the Neve Hilton shortly after). It consists of a piece of 2 x 8 inch dressed fir about four feet long, which Mike Miles packed out of the Opal Cone. Now you ask, how did this lumber get to the Opal Cone? The lumber was originally intended to be used in building the hut, but the chopper which was transporting it ran into trouble and had to jettison his load. The pilot happened to jettison his load right over the only two-ton boulder in the meadow. The 2 x 8 x 12' rough cedar joists, 3 platform supports, and some cedar siding were all self-destructed upon contact. Thus originates this award. It was also decided that the award should be given for "stupidity above & beyond and/or service below and beyond the call of duty"
The Kitchen Sink Award: The Kitchen Sink Award shall be given to that VOC member who knowingly or unknowingly overloads his or her pack with superfluous devices."
The Loving Cup: An award cup designed to embarrass couples whose romance has blossomed during the past year or to an individual who has tried repeatedly to engage other club members in relationships and failed.
Chorus Line Award: An award for a member who has contributed to a trip or event involving memorable musicality.
Old Geezer Award: Instituted in 1988 to honour long years of club membership.
The Goons Award: A public warning about the stupidity of certain members. Dedicated for humourous events over the course of the year. Please list/describe any humorous events from the past year that you would like to describe at the VOC AGM in late March.
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