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Turmeric-Ginger Chicken Soup

This image may contain Bowl Dish Food Meal Soup Bowl Soup and Egg
Gentl & Hyers

Chicken noodle soup never gets old. If you don’t have udon for this recipe, use rice noodles or regular old spaghetti. A small knob of fresh turmeric can replace the dried type.


4 Servings


3½–4-pound chicken


medium onions, unpeeled, quartered


heads of garlic, halved crosswise


4-inch piece ginger, unpeeled, thinly sliced


dried bay leaves


tablespoon ground turmeric


teaspoons black peppercorns


teaspoons coriander seeds

Kosher salt


ounces carrots (about 4 medium), peeled, cut into ½-inch pieces on a diagonal


ounces dried udon noodles

Scallions, very thinly sliced

Chili oil (for serving)


  1. Step 1

    Place chicken, onions, garlic, ginger, bay leaves, turmeric, peppercorns, coriander seeds, and several pinches of salt in a large pot. Pour in cold water to cover and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and gently simmer until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of breast registers 155°, 30–35 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate and let cool slightly; keep stock simmering. Remove skin from chicken; discard. Pull meat from bones and shred into bite-size pieces; set aside. Return bones and carcass to stock. Increase heat and bring stock to a boil; cook until reduced by about one-third, 15–20 minutes. Season with more salt if needed.

    Step 2

    Strain stock into a large saucepan; discard solids. Add carrots, bring to a simmer, and cook until carrots are tender, about 5 minutes.

    Step 3

    Meanwhile, cook noodles in a large pot of boiling salted water, stirring occasionally, until al dente; drain and rinse under cold water to stop cooking.

    Step 4

    Divide noodles among bowls. Add shredded chicken meat to stock and cook just until heated through; season stock with more salt if needed. Ladle over noodles. Top soup with scallions and drizzle with chili oil.

Nutrition Per Serving

Calories (kcal) 600
Fat (g) 9
Saturated Fat (g) 2
Cholesterol (mg) 175
Carbohydrates (g) 53
Dietary Fiber (g) 5
Total Sugars (g) 11
Protein (g)75
Sodium (mg) 870
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  • It’s perfect. I usually simmer the stock for a few days. It’s rich and super clean.

    • Anonymous

    • Seattle

    • 2/26/2023

  • I love this soup so much. I up the flavor a bit more by boiling the chicken in chicken broth. I also use minced ginger and garlic alongside the fresh ginger and garlic. And I add cooked farro in the place of the udon noodles, and it works brilliantly. The chili oil with the scallions is such a nice finish.

    • Hakeem

    • Palo Alto, CA

    • 12/30/2021

  • Over the past three years, this has become my go-to chicken soup recipe! The flavors are incredible, and the soup is hearty and filling. I always skip the noodles but sometimes serve it with buttered toast.

    • Anonymous

    • Chicago, IL

    • 11/5/2021

  • Absolutely delicious... thank you.. it’s a keeper! Added a tablespoon of honey..two limes.. yummy!

    • Nazli

    • Cairo egypt

    • 3/5/2021

  • Finally got to try this recipe on lockdown. One of the best and healthiest chicken soups I’ve ever made! This will be a regular in our household now. I would suggest using a free-range organic chicken. Fantastic!

    • Babes2Dames

    • Philadelphia, PA

    • 1/17/2021

  • To the question about "udon noodle scallions": Udon noodles are one ingredient and then beneath that should appear scallions, very thinly sliced. Unfortunately 'run together' in ingredients list.

    • Anonymous

    • Houston

    • 1/23/2020

  • Delicious, a classic now in my household i make it like once a month and its a hit.

    • LailaBonAp

    • New York

    • 7/28/2019

  • I´ve made this about half a dozen times, and last time I had extra broth left over. So I froze it, then used it as the base when I made the recipe again soon after! The double broth yields a super concentrated chicken flavor that I totally recommend everyone try.

    • KristianG

    • Providence, RI

    • 6/15/2019

  • What isudon noodles scallion? can't find it. John at jrdechert@gmailcom

    • jrdechert

    • Murrieta CAlifornia

    • 5/19/2019

  • Oh yes, I forgot that I also added scallions!

    • rickic

    • East Coast

    • 2/19/2019

  • I was looking for a recipe with tumeric in it and found this. I use tumeric for Sambar and wanted to use it in other dishes. This recipe is a great idea. I never follow a recipe exactly. I used one box of low sodium chicken broth and put all of the ingredients excpet the chili oil in my slow cooker. I added diced tomatoes and a bag of baby spinach. Soup came out so, so good. I did not use chili oil because this soup is spicy enough for my taste. Will definitely make this again. Thank you for sharing.

    • rickic

    • East Coast

    • 2/19/2019

  • This is my very favorite chicken soup recipe. I LOVE it!! Everyone should make it!! Thank you Claire & BA! My adaptations: Break whole chicken into parts; remove per recipe and refrigerate (along with broth); pull meat when cool. (It is much easier to remove chicken parts than a whole chicken from boiling hot broth.) Use fresh turmeric, a 2-3" knob approx., thinly sliced After straining, refrigerate soup until fat floats to top; strain fat and reserve Great with your own additions, as other have mentioned! Mushrooms, leftover rice, chard or kale, etc. etc. SO GOOD.

    • Anonymous

    • 10/14/2018

  • the recipe sounds amazing but what are udon noodle scallions?

    • Donna Busa

    • Boston

    • 9/30/2018

  • So good! I also added bok choy, mushrooms, the onions from the stock. Also used rice noodles and chili garlic paste.

    • Anonymous

    • 3/21/2018

  • To “Anonymous, Columbia SC” ... This is NOT that much chicken per person: strictly speaking, it is two chcken leg quarters and two half breasts.... BUT, you cook the whole 3-4lb chicken and then you remove the meat an put the bones including the back/neck back to simmer and discard the skin, then discard those simmered bones as well. Do the math: you are discarding a significant amount of the weight of the chicken; what goes back into the soup is the boneless, skinless breast, thigh and that bit of drumstick meat. Means there is likely about 4-5 oz of cooked meat/serving. Pretty standard portion size. And ....this is a FANTASTIC recipe for this style of soup (using tumeric, ginger). Easy to customize. Highly recommend.

    • Anonymous

    • SF Bay Area, CA

    • 3/18/2018