Akro Krupa 2020 - registration form
Saturday 22d - Saturday 29th of August 2020
Krupa na Vrbasu, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Please register for the festival using the form below.

We have a maximum of 60 participants, as we want this event to remain small and intimate. Also,  we expect every participant to give a hand with small chores and to keep the campsite neat and clean :)

Your registration is final after we receive your payment (the bank account will be sent to you after you register)
Before 1st of May the price is 225€ and later it will be 240€ per person.

Special discount for participants from Ex-Yu countries
From Bosnia and Herzegovina , Serbia and Macedonia : 100 €
From Croatia : 150 €
From Slovenia : EU price

After 01.05. the fee will be 15 € more expensive as we need to secure already some expenses!
Half price for children until 10 years old.

Please register separately for each participant!

Return to our website: https://www.cirkusbanjaluka.wordpress.com
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
Name, surname, nickname (but official name please) *
Email (please double check!!) *
Age *
When do you plan to arrive and to leave?                                                    
The campsite for the convention will be open from Saturday 22d of august (arrival day) but the workshops will officially start on sunday the 23th around 9h.  Saturday 29th is the departure day and cleaning time of the campsite. If you are not yet sure about when you'll arrive and leave exactly, tell us :)
not sure yet....
Nationality (bring your ID or passport to enter BH, as it is not EU!!) Foreigners entering BH should register within 48h of your entry, we'll care for that, so we'll need your passport / ID asap ! Thanx :) for more info check http://msb.gov.ba/inf_za_strance/default.aspx?id=14555&langTag=en-US 
You want to....
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You can write here whatever you feel like you want to share with us :-) Feel free
Have you read the terms and conditions? *
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N'envoyez jamais de mots de passe via Google Forms.