Swarthmore College: Divest from Apartheid
In 2005, one hundred seventy bodies within Palestinian civil society launched the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement with the intention of compelling Israel to comply with international law. Recognizing that Israel’s decades-long projects of settler-colonialism, apartheid and occupation are facilitated by the support of international corporations and foreign governments, the BDS movement places nonviolent pressure on the State of Israel to affirm Palestinian humanity and end its occupation and colonization of indigenous lands.

We, the undersigned members of the Swarthmore community, add our voices to the international BDS movement by calling on Swarthmore College to divest from all companies invested in Israeli apartheid and occupation in Palestine. From the development and maintenance of military, surveillance and biometric technology used at IDF checkpoints to the provision of machinery used to illegally demolish Palestinian homes and advance illegal settlement-building in the West Bank, corporations both finance and profit from apartheid and military occupation in Palestine (For more on the specific ways companies support Israeli Apartheid, visit this link: https://investigate.afsc.org/occupations).

As an institution that professes to uphold social and ethical concern and responsibility as core values, Swarthmore College has a moral imperative to divest from Israeli apartheid. Further, our institutional prominence and location in the United States, which contributes the largest portion of its economic and military aid to Israel, uniquely positions us to pressure our government to cease support of this regime and to set an example for other civil society bodies.

As long as we fund these corporations, we support settler-colonialism, occupation, and apartheid. Swarthmore, divest now.

Click here (https://l.linklyhq.com/l/94vr) to send a pre-filled email to President Valerie Smith letting Swarthmore know that you stand with the call for BDS and the end of Israeli apartheid.
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If you haven't already, click here (https://l.linklyhq.com/l/94vr) to send a pre-filled email to President Valerie Smith letting Swarthmore know that you stand with the call for BDS and the end of Israeli Apartheid.
To end our college's support of apartheid, we must build this movement! Are you interested in joining us and getting involved?
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