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Special Session Tool Kit
Updated automatically every 5 minutes

A coalition of 79 organizations and residents across the Commonwealth are asking the MA Legislature to come back and pass the Jail and Prison Construction Moratorium along with other essential legislation for our communities. Take action today!

Can you call your legislator today to demand they reconvene for a special session?

Thank you for all you do in the name of justice, dignity, equity, and well being! Let’s keep going.

The MA Legislature left important policies unfinished at the end of the session that communities are counting on. People are struggling, and our elected leaders are not acting with the same urgency that many of us feel.

Fortunately, the legislature has the power to come back and pass some essential legislation that was derailed by Baker or left unfinished. Community priorities that can still be passed in special session include:

Formerly incarcerated women are leading a powerful and historic campaign to stop the new $50 million women’s prison and got the Prison Moratorium to the Governor’s desk in the first session it was filed. We can’t let Baker’s veto defeat this critically important bill.

Directly affected people have led organizing to make communication with incarcerated loved ones free for YEARS and every day without the No Cost Calls law on the books means bills are piling up for the most marginalized families in MA.

To learn more you can read this letter signed by 79 organizations across Massachusetts in support of these demands.

Use the script below to make sure your legislators know the people will hold them accountable to pass popular, urgently needed policy instead of caving to Baker.


Find your legislator:

Hello my name is _____. I’m your constituent and I want you to use your power and work with your colleagues to call a special session. You can pass policies right now that will make Massachusetts a better place to live for everyone. Please come back and override the Governor’s veto of the Prison Moratorium and override his veto of funding for virtual public meetings. No Cost Calls legislation needs to pass this year with no amendments that would expand pretrial detention. I also want you to pass the HOMES Act, economic relief for low income people, and secure funding for survivor services through VOCA. I hope you take this opportunity to do the right thing for your constituents and return to session. Thank you.


Find your legislator’s social media:


I’m calling on [@YOURLEGISLATOR] to come back and override Baker’s veto of the Prison Moratorium. Pass No Cost Calls. Pass the HOMES Act and economic relief for low income people. Fund survivors services. We can’t afford to wait until next session! #mapoli #NoNewWomensPrison 


79 organizations across the Commonwealth AND your constituents are counting on you [@YOURLEGISLATOR] to get common sense, compassionate policy like the Prison Moratorium, No Cost Calls, and the HOMES Act DONE THIS SESSION!  #mapoli #NoNewWomensPrison


You can pass policies right now that will make MA a better place for everyone [@YOURLEGISLATOR]. Call a special session & ensure common sense, compassionate policy like the Prison Moratorium, No Cost Calls, and the HOMES Act become law. Communities are counting on you! #mapoli