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Source code for "Optimal Compression of Locally Differentially Private Mechanisms"

Reference: Abhin Shah, Wei-Ning Chen, Johannes Balle, Peter Kairouz, Lucas Theis, "Optimal Compression of Locally Differentially Private Mechanisms," The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2022




In order to successfully execute the code, the following libraries must be installed:

Python --- json, math, time, matplotlib, numpy, scipy, absl, ml_collections

Wrapper functions:

This repository contains the code for (a) mean estimation and (b) frequency estimation. To run the code, a wrapper function needs to be written. For example, to run the mean estimation code, the following could be used:

from mean_estimation import config as defaults
from mean_estimation import experiment
from mean_estimation import experiment_coding_cost

def main():
    config = defaults.get_config()
    experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-mean-estimation-code', config)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Similarly, to run the frequency estimation code, the following could be used:

from frequency_estimation import config as defaults
from frequency_estimation import experiment
from frequency_estimation import experiment_coding_cost

def main():
    config = defaults.get_config()
    experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-frequency-estimation-code', config)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Reproducing the figures

  1. To reproduce Figure 1(Top), make the following changes in mean_estimation/ num_itr = 10 vary = "cc" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment_coding_cost.evaluate('path-to-the-mean-estimation-code', config)
  2. To reproduce Figure 1(Bottom), make the following changes in mean_estimation/ num_itr = 10 vary = "eps" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-mean-estimation-code', config)
  3. To reproduce Figure 2(Top), make the following changes in frequency_estimation/ num_itr = 10 vary = "cc" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment_coding_cost.evaluate('path-to-the-frequency-estimation-code', config)
  4. To reproduce Figure 2(Bottom), make the following changes in frequency_estimation/ num_itr = 10 vary = "eps" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-frequency-estimation-code', config)
  5. To reproduce Figure 3, make the following changes in mean_estimation/ run_approx_miracle=True, run_modified_miracle=False, num_itr = 10 vary = "eps" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-mean-estimation-code', config)
  6. To reproduce Figure 4(Left), make the following changes in mean_estimation/ num_itr = 10 vary = "d" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-mean-estimation-code', config)
  7. To reproduce Figure 4(Right), make the following changes in mean_estimation/ num_itr = 10 vary = "n" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-mean-estimation-code', config)
  8. To reproduce Figure 5, make the following changes in frequency_estimation/ run_approx_miracle=True, run_modified_miracle=False, num_itr = 10 vary = "eps" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-frequency-estimation-code', config)
  9. To reproduce Figure 6(Left), make the following changes in frequency_estimation/ num_itr = 10 vary = "d" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-frequency-estimation-code', config)
  10. To reproduce Figure 6(Right), make the following changes in frequency_estimation/ num_itr = 10 vary = "n" and add the following commands in the main function of the wrapper: config = defaults.get_config() experiment.evaluate('path-to-the-frequency-estimation-code', config)