QUANTUM SADHANA '24 Retreat with Gaura Vani
Sometimes our devotion, or BHAKTI, is compared to a little seedling; and the energies of this world are like frigid winds coming from all directions. We must give shelter to the seedling of our devotion.

That's why we take time to step back from the world and nourish ourselves with things like SANGHA (good association), KIRTAN and JAPA (joyous singing and chanting of the holy names), PRASADA (sanctified food to nourish the body and the spirit), and SADHANA (sincere daily practice).

Where do I go to find the perfect place for retreat? My first choice is the Govardhan Eco-Village in India. Located 90 km outside of Mumbai, the award-winning eco-village is a 70-acre, sustainable farming community and retreat center, created and directed by the monk disciples of my guru/spiritual teacher, Radhanath Swami. When you visit the Eco-Village, you will experience a community that is a successful fusion between ancient Vedic wisdom and modern sustainability science.

When I walk through the lush gardens and temples of the eco-village, I feel like I'm wandering through the map of Radhanath Swami’s heart. For two dedicated weeks, we will journey together into the deeper practices of the Bhakti tradition.  Each day we will visit a different place in the Vrindavan forest, experiencing the magic of Krishna, learning the stories and lessons from that LILA (divine play), and allowing these sacred places to come alive in our own hearts.

We'll be spending time with some of my favorite teachers and friends including Radhanath Swami, Raghunath, and two of the hosts of the "Seekers’ Quest" podcast, Chaitanya Charan and Radha (who will facilitate discussions and workshops) and Prahlad (who will facilitate Kirtan and instrument practice).

The retreat will end in Mumbai at the unforgettable Flower Festival at the Radha Gopinatha temple. (Other kirtans in and around Mumbai to be announced).

This Quantum Sadhana retreat is a harmonious combination of SADHANA, SANGA, KIRTAN, JAPA, and PRASADA. And Govardhan Eco-village is the perfect environment to release, refocus and recalibrate the self.  Please join us!

Jan 13, 2024 l Recommended arrival day in Mumbai 
Jan 14, 2024 | We meet in Mumbai

Jan 14, 2024 | We drive to GEV (Govardhan Ecovillage)
Jan 14–26, 2024 | QUANTUM SADHANA '24 Retreat with Gaura Vani

Jan 26, 2024 | We drive to our hotel in Mumbai
Jan 27, 2024 | We attend the Flower Festival at Chowpatty, Mumbai

Jan 28, 2024 | Check-out, we say our goodbyes
– Rise early to greet the sun  
– Mantra Meditation
– Study & discuss spiritual wisdom
– Storytelling and kirtan at various holy places in Vrindavan forest
– Nourishing meals, prepared by monks with love and high consciousness
– Optional afternoon workshops on music and philosophy
– Discover the beauty of the surroundings (like the "Garden of Eden")
– Self care and leisure time
– Radhanath Swami's kirtans and talks in the afternoon
– Gather at the Yamuna for evening prayers
– Early to rest in the evening
GEV: Twin room with AC (incl. 3 vegetarian meals/day)
Mumbai: Twin room with AC in 4-star Hotel (incl. 3 vegetarian meals/day)
Early bird discount: $2500 (Ends Sep 14, 2023)
Standard fees: $2750
Please fill out the registration form below to sign up for the retreat.
We are happy to answer any of your questions: quantum.gaura@gmail.com
With love,
Gaura Vani and Team
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Let this holy place open your heart, and allow you to dig deep for re-invigoration and levelling up of your spiritual practice. We spend two weeks together rising early, meditating, singing together, reading and studying, and in every way deepening our personal spiritual practice in the company of serious and like-minded souls. There will also be the special opportunity to meet with Radhanath Swami and Raghunath.
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