Forums - Using fastCV FFT on Hexagon

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Using fastCV FFT on Hexagon
Join Date: 28 Jul 14
Location: Montreal
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2014-08-28 09:21


I could use FastCV library on Hexagon SDK 1.1 without any problem. Because I wanted to use FFT, I installed SDK 1.2. First, I could not run the cornerApp. However, after using "" from the SDK 1.1, I could run cornerApp example as well as FFT function.

My problem is that, I cannot run FFT/IFFT for the data size more 1K in 1D or more than 32x32 in 2D. I modified the cornerApp to run FFT/IFFT function.

I appreciate if anyone could help me.


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Join Date: 31 Jul 17
Posts: 23
Posted: Mon, 2017-11-20 18:23

in 1D, the data size must be a power of 2.

Array should be 128-bit aligned.

You can see the parameters in fastcv.h.

And there is no limitation of size.

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