This class is for prenatal individuals and their partners/family during the 3rd trimester. The goal is for participants to gain more knowledge about breastfeeding/chestfeeding basics. This class discussion with Q & A will be facilitated by lactation specialists and is intended to be interactive. This class is held the 1st Wednesday of every month from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm and is hosted virtually via Zoom.

You should receive an email with the class ZOOM link after registering, so please check your email. (Please do not share the link as the sessions are for registrants ONLY).

During the class, we will review:

  • Infant feeding
  • Normal newborn behavior
  • What to expect after delivery
  • Positioning and latch techniques
  • Making and maintaining your milk supply
  • Addressing common concerns
  • The first few weeks at home
  • Breast/Chest pumps & lactation resources in the community

Facilitators will also discuss the availability of FREE Baby Cafés/Support Groups which can help parents gain confidence and skills to reach their breastfeeding/chestfeeding/lactation goals.

We look forward to meeting you!

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