Innovative Packaging of Local Food Products For Home and Foreign Markets: Case of Dala Foods Nigeria Ltd.
Innovative Packaging of Local Food Products For Home and Foreign Markets: Case of Dala Foods Nigeria Ltd.
Innovative Packaging of Local Food Products For Home and Foreign Markets: Case of Dala Foods Nigeria Ltd.
Abstract:- Innovations in packaging has seen significant Any material used to wrap, contain, or convey a
development due to industrial processing of food and product for the purposes of protection, preservation, transit,
need for instant food due to lack of time to prepare food and storage is referred to as packaging in this paper
from fresh ingredients. This study explores the (Piergiovanni and Limbo, 2016). Packing examples include
application of packaging in marketing local food packed cases with bunches of bananas, a crate of eggs, a
products in local and foreign markets with a special basket with tomatoes or oranges, and a jute sack filled with
focus on an indigenous food processing company; Dala rice. Furthermore, packaging is defined by Soroka (1996), as
Foods Nigeria Limited, makers of packaged Kunun referenced in Nwosu and Ebujor (2020), as a coordinated
Tsamiya brand. The study adopts qualitative research system of preparing food for sale, distribution, transit,
approach through case study method in order to have an storage, and use. It is a crucial component of marketing
in-depth exploration of how packaging contributes to the products.
success of Kunun Tsamiya in the market. The selection
of participants is made by applying a non-probability Fascinatingly, there is a sizable and expanding industry
sampling technique through convenience sampling. for packaged food items and packaging supplies in Nigeria.
Structured open-ended questions are applied in the With an estimated net worth of US$545 million and an
interview and the responses are presented using annual growth rate of 12%, this sizable and dynamic market
descriptive analysis of the thematic areas covered by the is one of the fastest-growing industries and is thought to be
interview. Findings of the study reveal that packaging is the largest in Africa (Foodmag, 2023).This trend has made
a valuable marketing tool as it plays a significant role in some foreign and local mega stores like Shoprite and Sahad
food product marketing. Similarly, it contributes to be selling some foreign brands along with other
immensely towards the marketing and success story of indigenous foods. Some of the locally-produced foods found
Kunun Tsamiya in both local and foreign markets. in the megastore with better hygienic and attractive
Therefore, it is highly recommended that our local packaging include cashew nuts, garri (cassava ), several
companies and individual producers of food products fruits and leafy vegetables, potato flakes, honey, palm oil,
should warmly embrace and use proper packaging in groundnut oil, powdered yam, and powdered plantain
marketing their products without any delay. (Agbaje and Olowade, 2014). This noteworthy trend
generates millions of new employment, boosts the local
Keywords:- Packaging, Food Products, Market, Kunun economy, and expands the farming, food processing, and
Tsamiya, Innovation. packaging industries. Furthermore, a good development that
significantly grows the food business is the promotion of the
I. INTRODUCTION "Made-in-Nigeria" drive (Tapsoba, Kiemde, Lamond, and
Lépine, 2022).
Food processing on an industrial scale and the demand
for fast food owing to time constraints have led to A. Statement of Problem
considerable advancements in packaging innovations. The According to Donton de Rouffignac (1990), Fast
developments are motivated by the wants and demands of Moving Consumer Goods companies are generally the ones
the consumer, which are impacted by shifting global trends that use the most packaging materials. They are also the
including longer life expectations and a varied and abundant largest, most demanding, and most innovative clients in the
food supply (Deena, 2023). A few of the latest developments packaging industry, and they are always interested in the
in food packaging distribution include radio frequency latest packaging trends. Nonetheless, there is little marketing
identification and electronic product codes; active and theory in the field of packaging, despite the fact that
intelligent packaging (such as disposable food packages and managers are paying more attention to it (Rundh, 2005). The
moisture control agents); and packaging mechanisms that fact that packaging is a multidisciplinary field that includes
control volatile flavour and aromas. engineering, marketing, and logistics rather than a
standalone research area, may help to explain the relative
paucity of contemporary research in the sector (Nickels and
Jolson, 1976). For instance, Keller (1993) looked primarily
at customer-based brand equity when addressing the final consumer, its exterior is removed and the secondary
branding issue from the consumer's point of view. In a packages are displayed at the point of sales (POS).
similar vein, Underwood (2003) examined how packaging
functions as a brand communicator, paying particular A. The Development of Materials for Food Packaging
attention to how customers perceive the brand and the Humans have utilized a variety of objects for millennia
package (2002). The relationship between packaging and to aid in the movement, storage, and preservation of a
brand management is still largely unknown, according to greater variety of items. For millennia, people have utilised
Underwood and Ozanne (1998). wood, clay, grass, and baskets as packaging materials. Early
humans created their own packaging technology by
Therefore, it is evidently clear that the innovative wrapping leaves, such as those from cocoyam, banana,
application of packaging by local food products firms in plantain, and kola-nut plants. Animal skins were the first
marketing their products has not been well researched, flexible packaging material used at the time to transport
particularly in developing countries like Nigeria. This is the liquid foods and beverages, such as water (Nwosu and
identified research gap that the study attempts to fill. It is Ebujor, 2020).
therefore imperative to study this area, using relevant case
study . Consequently, the following research question is Nigerian food products were traditionally packed in a
formulated: Does innovative packaging help local food variety of materials, including broad leaves, empty fluted
manufacturing companies in marketing their products? gourds (gora), fruit shells, coconut shells, newspaper,
cement paper bags, jute bags, baskets, bamboo, cane
B. Research Objectives baskets, clay pots, discarded bottles and jars, and jute sacks
With a focus on the local food processing business (Nwosu and Ebujor, 2020). Similar to this, until the
Dala Foods Nigeria Limited, this study investigates the use development of glass, metal, and paper, the ancient Egyptian
of packaging in local food product marketing. In particular, and Roman Empires employed baskets, barrels, sacks, and
this research aims to: clay containers (Sarpong, 2015). However, perishable
agricultural products are not well protected by the
To give readers a basic understanding of packaging as a conventional materials, and they are also not seen to be
marketing technique. appropriate for handling and transportation in an effective
To give them enough knowledge to comprehend the manner (Nwosu and Ebujor, 2020). Therefore, even though
roles that packaging plays in the marketing of food packaging has not yet reached its full potential, conventional
products. food packaging established the groundwork for a a more
To ascertain the role packaging plays in promoting effective and robust packaging techniques of today.
Kunun Tsamiya in both domestic and international
markets. Nwosu and Ebujor (2020) list a variety of packaging
materials, such as steel, laminates, metalized films,
II. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE aluminium foil, glass, and metals. Other materials include
paper, paper board, plastic (both thermoses and
Nigerians consume a wide variety of rich, varied thermoplastic), and plant leaves that are frequently used to
ready-to-eat foods and beverages that varies according to wrap kolanuts and meals. Packaging materials can often be
tribe and region and are packaged using various materials, classified as semi-fexible, flexible, or rigid (Siracusa &
styles, and techniques (Adejumo and Ola, 2008). The main Rosa, 2018).
goals of traditional packaging are to keep food contained
and shield it from contamination, deterioration, and handling B. Packaging's Role in Product Marketing
difficulties. But according to Omah and Oba (2017), the Food goods in particular, and product marketing in
requirement for food product packaging has expanded general, are greatly influenced by packaging. According to
significantly to include pharmaceuticals and personal care research, 63% of consumers view packaging as nearly as
items, perhaps even outpacing the needs of the food sector. important as the brand itself, and 70% of consumers base
their opinion of a brand on it (Stanley, 2021). Generally
Three classes can be used to group packaging namely speaking, packaging serves the following purposes:
primary, secondary, and tertiary packaging. Primary
packaging refers to the product's original packaging. It is the Protection: Products are shielded by packaging from
substance that covers the completed product in a container environmental, biological, and physical risks like
or wrapper right away. For instance, a tube of toothpaste, a moisture, microorganisms, and insects. The Kunun
plastic table water pack, a sachet of Kunun tsamiya, etc. The tsamiya package keeps the product safe from rodents and
extra layers that are added to the main packages are known foreign objects, which keeps it from becoming
as secondary packaging. The quality of the product remains contaminated or spoiling.
unaffected by the removal of supplementary packets. When Identification: Product identification and differentiation
using toothpaste, for example, we remove the cardboard box are made simple and efficient by packaging. When
that serves as its outer cover. In contrast, businesses who tangible product distinctions are not readily apparent in a
need to move their products from one location to another use competitive market, a product's distinctive packaging
tertiary packaging. For this reason, it is also known as transit presentation is what sets it apart from rival brands.
or shipping packaging. When the object is delivered to the Packaging gives items originality and facilitates rapid
Usability: Customers frequently seek out highly user- employ a variety of packaging techniques, including the
friendly, purpose-built packaging that serves a purpose. following:
The consumer evaluates a product's packaging based on
its usefulness, quality, and aesthetic appeal. Reusability, Customised Packaging
opening and closing, ease of use, and recyclable This package is meant to hold a single item. For
materials can increase a product's acceptability. instance, each individual piece of candy is wrapped in its
Furthermore, the product's usability is enhanced by its own wrapping. The product is meant to be shielded from
excellent design and environmentally responsible light, heat, moisture, and humidity. Products that are
packaging. individually packaged can be gathered in a bag using inner
Sustainability: A package's beneficial impact on sales packaging. Coca-Cola's packaging is a globally recognisable
numbers increases with its level of sustainability. The iconic emblem. The vivid red hue of the package effectively
packaging design has a big influence on how simple it is conveys vigour and enthusiasm, drawing attention on the
to separate the various materials from one another and, in grocery store shelf, while the prominently placed Coca-Cola
turn, how easy it is to reuse and recycle the packaging. brand gives a feeling of comfort and nostalgia (Prpic, 2023).
Making more with less facilitates resource conservation
and facilitates user management. Paper-based packaging Reusable Containers
can all be recycled, including cardboard void fill, When the contents of the package are no longer
cardboard boxes, cardboard tubes, and paper tape. Take needed, reusable packaging lets you utilize it for other
paper tape on cardboard boxes, for instance. (Khatabook, things. You can utilize the container or package for any
2023) other purpose. Once the water has been sipped, juice, oil, or
Security: Packages can be made tamper-proof or herbs can be added to a plastic table water bottle. Reusable
equipped with tamper-evident measures that will alert packaging encourages customers to purchase goods
recipients to tampering attempts. It is possible to create repeatedly so they may fully utilise the containers. The
packages that lessen the chance of theft. Pilfer-indicating packaging is made to be reused in the same or a related
seals may be seen on some packages. Similar anti-theft application, as well as for another supply chain application
technologies, food packaging may feature electronic item where it serves a function.
surveillance tags or RFID tags. It takes specific
instruments to deactivate these devices, which can be Family Packaging
detected or activated at exit points. Family packaging is when a manufacturer employs a
single, standard package design for a variety of product
C. The Value of Packaging to Internet Companies kinds. This is sometimes referred to as "packaging the
Packaging is important for e-commerce enterprises as product line" or "product line packaging." Using this
well; it is not just for in-person, brick-and-mortar approach, a company can create unique packaging for each
transactions. It should be both appealing and functional. By product line, different packaging for different items, or the
choosing carefully what goes into the packaging design of same packaging for every product category. This tactic is
your online-sold products, you can effectively cut costs typically applied to cosmetic items.
associated with shipping, delivery, and marketing.
Additionally, it can provide the consumer with information Product Grouping
about ingredients, expiration dates, and usage directions, all The practice of grouping multiple products together
of which help to streamline online orders and transactions. and selling them as a single unit for a single price is known
as "product bundling" (Stanley, 2021).This tactic is meant to
In a similar vein, packaging is no longer restricted to entice buyers to purchase additional goods. One example of
two-dimensional concepts as technology develops and a product bundle is combining many infant goods into a
grows more complicated. Businesses are now experimenting single pack. A diaper, baby soap, lotion, powder, towel and
with packaging that uses augmented reality (AR) or artificial mattress are all offered together rather than individually,
intelligence (AI). AR can be incorporated into smartphone which generates greater sales than selling each item
apps by adding sophisticated features or by using QR codes. separately.
With the use of these tools, you can now provide your
customers linked text, audio, movies, and 3D models in Modifying the Package
standard flat packaging. Intelligent packaging for your This tactic entails altering your items' packaging.
internet firm will convey that it is at the forefront of Businesses who use this tactic gradually alter the product
technology. (Shah 2023). packaging. This tactic is helpful in meeting customer
expectations when their tastes and preferences evolve over
D. Packaging Techniques time. Altering the brand's colour palette, size, shape, style,
The science, art, and technology of enclosing or format, and other elements will encourage recurrent
safeguarding goods for usage, sale, distribution, and storage purchasing. The producers of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Cafenol,
is known as packaging (Tylor, 2023). Food packaging's key Milo, Bourvita, and Omo in Nigeria have implemented this
goals are to meet consumer and industrial demands by tactic.
minimising environmental impact, preserving food safety,
and cost-effectively containing food. To meet consumer
needs and maintain their competitiveness, businesses
Strategy for Packaging Multiple Packs The Product Mix of the Company:
This is a tactic that enables businesses to package two
or more goods into a single container. Some examples of Instant Food: This comprises Instant Fura (granulated
this include the packing of table tennis eggs, Bic biro packs, millet combined with milk or yoghurt), Diet Kunun
egg crates, Maggi cube packs, and so on. Products in several Tsamiya (diet tamarind millet gruel), and Kunun
packs are a creative method of getting customers to buy Tsamiya (tamarind millet gruel).
more at once. The cost of packing a single product is also Cereal-based meals: This includes Biskin Gero (Millet
decreased by purchasing a multipack. Offering multi-pack grits), Biskin Masara (Maize grits), Biskin Dawa
discounts encourages big purchases. (Thompson, 2023) (Sorghum grits), Masara vita (Maize flour), Gero vita
(Millet flour), and Garin dawa (Sorghum flour).
Marketing Packaging Approach Teas: Dala City tea bag brand Contract
Promotional packaging techniques, such as buy one get manufacturing;involving action meal (Enriched cereal
one free, 30% more, and package discounts, are used to supplement) and customized beverages for Airlines and
boost sales. Making your product, marketing initiative, or Hotels
promotional item stand out from the competition is the main
goal of promotional packaging. When presenting a new A Brief about Kunu (Millet Gruel)
product, companies can use sampling, which involves Kunu is anHausa word which generally refers to a
providing free or inexpensive products to consumers to gruel. The qualifying name depends on the type of cereals it
promote experimentation. Additionally, they can employ in- is made of. For example, Kunun tsamiya is called tamarind
pack or on-the-pack premiums as a means of promoting millet gruel, while Kunun gyada is called groundnut gruel. It
sales. is a popular beverage widely consumed mainly by Hausa
people in Northern Nigeria. It is prepared using different
Flexible Packaging: cereals such as millet, rice, sorghum, maize, etc. However,
This tactic calls for the flexible, lightweight, and robust Kunun Tsamiya is made using millet, also known as Gero in
design of packaging. It is commonly made of materials such Hausa language, dried ginger to be specific, cloves, a little
as plastic or paper that are shaped into bags or pouches. It dried pepper and tamarind which is called “Tsamiya” in
can be used for a variety of things, such as food, drinks, Hausa.The texture of Kunu drink that is made from millet is
cosmetics, medications, and more. usually light brown in colour, while the one made from rice
is usually white.Kunun Tsamiya is mostly taken during
E. An Overview of Dala Foods Ramadan fasting and it is a staple in almost everyhouse in
Incorporated in May 1979, Dala Foods Nigeria Limited north-western region of Nigeria. Similarly, Kunu is not just
began operations as a Manufacturing, Marketing, and Sales enjoyable and delicious, italso has nutritional benefits
company in 1980 (, 2023). It is among the (Nwokolo, 2019). The nutritional content and health benefits
first family businesses to be established and is operating of Kunu are briefly discussed below.
today. The Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), the
National Agency for Food Drug Administration and Control Kunun Tsamiya's Health Benefits
(NAFDAC), and other pertinent government agencies have Gatawa (2020) lists the following nutritional and
legally registered and certified each of Dala's goods. Dala physiological advantages of kunun tsamiya:
Foods Nigeria Limited manufactures customized meal
formulas (both fortified and non-fortified), tea packages, A polynutrient called lignin, which is found in millet, the
herbs, and customized drinks for hotels and airlines, among main ingredient, has the ability to prevent cancer and
other food products, in response to consumer demand. improve heart health.
Kunu helps women relax their muscles, which is
Early Operations beneficial for those who have entered the menopause.
Dala's primary business initially was the blending and Since it facilitates the production of more breast milk, it
packaging of tea, with its flagship brand being the Dala City is also advised for nursing moms.
tea bag. The company purchases its unprocessed tea from Its ginger content reduces cholesterol and inhibits the
domestic and foreign tea marketplaces. Following twenty development of blood clots.
years of operation, the company expanded into the Because of its high fibre content, it supports a healthy
processing, drying, and packaging of grains for use in instant digestive tract.
food drinks. This move was made mainly to promote Kano's It additionally aids in the prevention of inflammatory
regional cuisine and culture throughout Nigeria, Africa, and chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.
international markets. This is accomplished by adding value Tamarind's polyphenols have anti-inflammatory and
by purchasing their agricultural produce (output), which antioxidant qualities. These offer defence against
gives local farmers more chances by raising their incomes. conditions like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
Currently, the company has distributors in roughly twenty- Furthermore, because tamarind fruit extract includes
five states in Nigeria, including Lagos, Kano, Abuja, antioxidants known as procyanidins, it has been
Maiduguri, Plateau, Benue, and Minna. demonstrated to have a protective impact on the liver.
Traditional Process of Preparing Kunun Tsamiya influence human purchasing behaviour. The concept
Aminacooks (2023) explains that in preparing Kunun recognizes that an individual's attitude towards a behaviour
Tsamiya the following ingredients are needed; garin kunu might impact their intention to act. The individual may then
(Ground millet powder), dried tamarind, clean water, plan to engage in behaviour or intend to do so if the
granulated sugar or Honey to taste, cinnamon, dried ginger, consequence appears advantageous to them. Customers'
cloves and chilli pepper. purchasing behaviour can also be influenced by factors that
can be identified with the help of the Theory of Reasoned
Procedure:Traditionally,garin kunu ( millet pap Action. It is used to explain why people behave a certain
powder), is processed at home by washing the millet way in marketing and social psychology literature (Ajzen,
really well, dry it and then hull it to remove the chaff. 1991).
Then mix it with the spices and grind them into a fine
powder and sift it to have a fine powder. Dry the powder, When Shappard, Hartwick, and Warshaw (1988) note
and then store it in airtight container. that the model appears to predict consumer intents and
behaviours effectively, they conclude that the theory is a
Then soak the tamarind in clean water overnight, or in good model that is utilised for the prediction of customers'
hot (but not boiling) water for few minutes and set aside. purchasing behaviour. This theory is relevant to the study
Transfer the garin kunu into mortar or food processor since it looks at and assesses consumers' perceptions of
and turn it into a thick paste using few cups of water. packaged food items.
This is a crucial step as it helps make the kunu more
smooth and delicious. III. METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH
Strain the tamarind water and mix the paste with it.
Get a clean pot and boil the required quantity of water This study uses the case study method to adopt a
along with the spices. qualitative research strategy. Through the study of specific
Allow the water to boil really well before straining it. populations or locations, the former type of social science
Mix the kunu paste very well before pouring the hot research gathers and uses non-numerical data in an effort to
spiced water on it. interpret meaning that will aid in our understanding of social
Immediately after pouring, cover it tight to trap the heat life [Punch, 2013]. It puts more emphasis on words than
that will cook it well. numbers and observes the world in its natural environment,
Pour the remaining tamarind water on it, to increase the evaluating circumstances to comprehend the meanings that
tamarind flavour. individuals create in their daily lives [Walia, 2015]. To
Sweeten it with sugar and drink while it’s still warm collect, examine, and interpret data from content analysis of
(Aminacooks, 2023) visual, textual, and oral history sources, qualitative research
uses open-ended questionnaires, journals, diaries, classroom
The above process is what Dala Foods modernized by observations, immersions, and interviews [Zohrabi, 2013]. It
the use of industrial machines in a cleaner, hygienic and is employed to investigate the conduct.
internationally approved manufacturing standards. The
result is a packaged instant Kunun tsamiya that needs only A. Sampling Method
clean boiled water to prepare. The researcher aims to investigate in-depth how
packaging influences Kunun Tsamiya's commercial success
F. Theoretical Background through the use of case studies. Purposive sampling, a non-
Two theories relevant to the study were reviewed to probability sampling approach, was used to choose the
serve as a framework for the research work. They are each respondents for interviews in order to choose the
explained briefly below. participants.
using an interview guide that included open-ended questions could be deduced that packaging helps in standardization of
about the research topic (Silverman, 2000). Throughout the a product especially in export business.
interviews, thorough notes were taken wherever feasible.
D. Essential Purposes of Packaging
IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The M.D. was asked to list the top three purposes of
packaging. He gave the following rankings for the functions:
The answers from the interview with Alhaji Ali
Safiyanu Madugu, the Managing Director (MD) of Dala It prolongs the product's shelf life and protects it.
Foods Nigeria Limited, are shown in this section. A thematic It conveys additional information as well as the product's
framework based on the main open-ended questions asked qualities.
of the respondent is used to present the outcome.
It entices the customer to desire to purchase the item.
After the preliminary exchanges of greetings and
He basically said that no product should be marketed
pleasantries, we started by asking the MD the number of
without appropriate packaging because of the important role
years he spent working in the company which he said he
that it plays in marketing, and that correct packaging will
spent 30 years in the company. The M.D. is a graduate of
only become more important in the future.
marketing with an MBA obtained from the famous Bayero
University, Kano. When asked about the experience he has
in food packaging, he responded that he has adequate
experience in packing dried food products both in powder
It is obvious, beyond a shadow of a doubt, from the
and granules. This generally goes to show that the M.D. has
explanation above that packaging plays a crucial role in the
all the necessary academic qualifications and expertise to
marketing of food goods in an economy. Food packaging's
discuss the issue of packaging.
key objectives are to meet business and consumer demands
for food safety, cost-effective food protection, and reduced
A. Packaging Decisions
environmental pollution. Because of the advancements in
The M.D. was asked when Kunun tsamiya brand was
human culture, it is anticipated that food packaging will
introduced, he stated that it was introduced in 1999 and
continue to change over time. As a result, this study's
redesigned in 2002, adding that packaging decision is the
conclusions have demonstrated that packaging is an
sole responsibility of the management. When asked whether
effective marketing strategy since it is crucial to the
they conducted market research before introducing the
promotion of food products. Similar to this, packaging plays
brand, he said no, which shows that no prior research was
a significant role in Kunun Tsamiya's marketing strategy and
conducted, but the idea came from the company in order to
success in both domestic and international markets, as
reduce the hardship married women experienced when
demonstrated by the Managing Director of Dala Foods
preparing Kunun tsamiya. With regards to what the colour of
Nigeria Limited, thereby guaranteeing the accomplishment
Kunun tsamiya represents, he posited that it is the corporate
of the study's goals.
colour of the company, that is Dala Foods Nigeria Ltd. It is
pertinent to note here that the corporate colour of Dala
It is therefore strongly advised that our small
Foods coincidentally tallies with the texture of prepared
businesses and independent food producers embrace this and
Kunun tsamiya.
promptly utilize appropriate packaging when marketing their
goods. This is because it equally promotes items along the
B. The Impact of Packaging on Kunun Tsamiya
distribution value chain in a sustainable manner in addition
In his response to the impact of packaging on the sales
to conserving, preserving, and protecting products.
of kunun tsamiya, he explained that really it has an impact
because it has a very simple colour and it relates to food
particularly Kunu. He further added that packaging is the
most important aspect of the product. This further affirms
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