48th Annual 

Pacific Circle Consortium Conference

4-7 September 2024 

Van Lang University

Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Student engagement and school culture: Fostering excellence in programs and initiatives

The 48th annual Pacific Circle Consortium (PCC) Conference will be held in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam at Van Lang University, Campus 3. 


Engage with a conference focused on increasing knowledge and action to 


Join the Pacific Circle Consortium when you register for full registration. Members are


The conference emphasizes how a network of Pacific Circle teachers, practitioners, and scholars can work together to build opportunities for the next generation of students to address a wide variety of complex problems in the Asia-Pacific. The Pacific Circle Consortium finds it central to our beliefs that the people of the Asia-Pacific have a forum to discuss educational problems and celebrate successes that are representative of the world we live in.

Submit a Proposal to present at the conference by June 30, 2024 midnight your local time. Early submission can received early determination upon request.

Plan your travel  to participate in the program.

4 Sep - Opening Reception in the evening

5-7 Sep- Keynote Session and presentations

7 Sep -  Peter Brice Awards Dinner in the evening

Register now for the 48th Annual Pacific Circle Consortium Conference which includes one-year membership and access to PCC activities. Registration closes on August 20, 2024.


At each conference, the Pacific Circle Consortium (PCC) bestows honors — the Peter Brice Award and the Neil Baumgart Lecture.


If you have questions, email the conference organizers at pcc.conf.2024@gmail.com.