
Stay informed and contribute your voice to the conversation!

A network of virtual clubs that helps middle school students explore their extracurricular and academic passions

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The PassionNet: Involved Research 2020 program commenced with a Research Symposium on August 6, 2020. Check out the amazing work of our 15 students below!


Students learn best when they are truly motivated to do so, and PassionNet serves to help them figure out what they are passionate about. This virtual club, running from July 2nd - August 6th, brings together students entering 6th-8th grades to learn about and spread awareness of important issues affecting their communities.

Be inspired to make a change.

Growing up in 2020, it can often feel like you do not have a say in large-scale conversations about the fast-paced social changes that are taking place. PassionNet inspires students to speak up about community issues affecting the current environment.

PassionNet: Involved Research 2020

Involved Research was a free 6-week online program for middle school students to research ongoing social issues in their surrounding communities.

Climate Change

Climate Change

ICE Detention Centers

Final Presentation Slides

Racial Injustice

Racial Injustice Research Symposium Project

Quarantine and Mental Health

To view the full Research Symposium or any of the team presentations, click here!

PassionNet Journal 2020.pdf