Conan (2010) : TeamCoco full episodes STILL not working

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TeamCoco full episodes STILL not working

I post this thread after two days and someone sort of fixes the full episodes on TeamCoco.

Except that now you have to click the play button for every .5 seconds of video, it's a riot. (It happens after the video plays for a little bit)

Whoever's in charge over there needs to be fired, stat. And you also just ruined my evening of cooking while watching the ConeZone.

Re: TeamCoco full episodes STILL not working

Doesn't Aaron Bleyaert handle stuff? Get your act together, Aaron..

Sometimes the best teacup is chipped

Re: TeamCoco full episodes STILL not working

Hmm the Olivia Munn ep was having trouble, so I watched the Evan Rachel Wood ep and it worked fine. I came back here to delete my thread but you immortalized it with your maple leaf perfume.

oddly enough, the IT guy was given a remote. So maybe it's his problem.

(or maybe a prob on my end? so far ron howard episode working fine)

edit: actually, it's working because i let it play but if i pause the video, then it becomes permanently paused. unpausing will play for like 1/10th of a second)

Re: TeamCoco full episodes STILL not working

HA! You may not delete it.

Sometimes the best teacup is chipped