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EDG NaMei may have been taken to the hospital twice in Taiwan


It's important that EDG is likely to be the team to go against the 1st seed from Group B, which is almost certain to be TSM after half of the group has been eliminated due to Uzi murdering inSec and Svenskeren being killed by an angry taiwanese mob.

Now that EDG's AD carry NaMei has been mysteriously poisoned and will most likely die within the next few hours, I've been able to use my deductive skills to find out the shocking truth: Riot Games are plotting to help TSM win the Season 4 World Championship by murdering a member of each team they are going to face, effectively turning the games into a 5v4.

The semifinal opponent of Team Solomid is going to be a winner of a bo5 between the 2nd seed of group C and the 1st seed of group D, which is widely predicted to be Najin White Shield. If so, it's quite likely that the next victim of Riot's plot will be a member of White Shield; and since in cases with SK, SHRC and EDG the victim was also the star player of the team, the next pro gamer to "accidentally" die before he is able to play against TSM is WATCH.

Who can end this conspiracy and save the world from NA winning it?

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Inb4 Samsung goes bankrupt in next couple week and team SSW disbands. Regi and the General can make this happen.

u/Dart06 avatar

Please no I am anxiously awaiting the Note 4.


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Powered by the Snapdragon processor.

u/GreenMusa avatar

Plot twist : Samsung buying Taiwan

Taiwan legally achieves Galaxy status.

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u/Voltiate avatar

Wait, that means HTC is bought!!!!

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u/CopelandLoL avatar

2nd Plot-twist: Company is owned by Jagex.

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Speaking of notes, I think TSM has come into possession of a deathnote.

u/Dart06 avatar

I wouldn't trust the Shinigami General with that deathnote.

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Confirmed, Samsung is not going bankrupt anytime soon.

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u/Teujo avatar


u/giorista avatar

The Sense Maker?

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u/Neprowaet avatar

And after Samsung goes bankrupt SSW and SSB will be named iPhone White and iPhone Black

please no

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u/ShingekiNoTeemo avatar

Yeah, TSM is going to ruin Samsung.

inb4 iPatenttroll

Oh no the conspiracy

u/mrocz avatar

Nah, SSB will meet SSW in semi, knocking them out of the way of TSM.

u/brayfurrywalls avatar

If this happens, my home country of Korea will be literally fucked.

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u/Abbottizer avatar

The biggest conspiracy here is that they have people thinking TSM is behind all this.

However, I think it's actually TPA ASSASSINS who is behind all this.


  1. EDG NaMei was poisoned in Taipei, and went to the hospital two times in that city. TSM would likely have been caught transporting poison from NA into Taiwan, and would have had to acquire it in Taiwan, whereas TPA are residents of Taiwan and would have an easier time.

  2. Svenskeren was fined as a result of Taiwanese citizens getting upset, and which was a result of Taiwanese media covering his name change. Had the Taiwanese media not made such a big deal about it, he would not have been suspended. As others have mentioned before, there are other players with possibly more offensive names, like "destroykoreans" or something like that from LMQ. Only the Taiwanese media expressed outraged, which would suggest a Taiwanese team would have pulled the strings here. TPA would have more influence on the Taiwanese media than TSM.

  3. There are no ties to TSM in the Uzi vs. inSec controversy; it might seem like a legit internal struggle. There's a rumor that TPA's Coach Sim Sung Soo was the one who attacked Uzi and people mistook him for InSec. We have no evidence of this and it's probably just a rumor.

  4. TSM is left alone so that it looks like they're the ones pulling the strings. Remember that TPA is in the same group and have just as much to gain as TSM.

TL;DR: TPA masterminds have used their home field advantage to turn the groups to their favor and left TSM alone thus far in order to throw reddit detectives off their trail.



Curses, Taipei Assassins Assassins!

u/SuperUrfling avatar

Holy shit, we should have known the Taipei assassins were assassins the whole time. How did they almost fool the reddit detectives?

u/Kyrru avatar

No... Reddit detectives can't be wrong.

exactly, remember the time we found the boston bomber? oh yeah right ...

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u/Gaskan avatar

batman slap

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u/Nirndor avatar

EDG NaMei was poisoned in Taipei

That's how TPA got their name.

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Damn those Taipei Assassins Assasins!


Also their team literally has assassins in it.

Hiding in plain sight!


they wont expect an 8th gank, the mindgames


People joke about this, but they never do

"No sense in warding since I know they're camping me"



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u/Nirndor avatar

For everyone who can't see the picture. Just add "?".

u/naeem_me avatar

Reginald hired this guy to create diversion!

u/DinDinTime avatar

So... I've got my tinfoil hat on already. Do I need to go grab my pitchfork, too?

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u/FreeSM2014 avatar

Froggen needs to use his infamous DDOS army when they play vs TSM in the finals!

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I think people shouldn't underestimate TPA so much, first the scrims are not reliable to judge a team. and they have homefield advantage

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Nice try, Oddone, you don't fool us !

u/aflanry avatar

And Rito moved group stage games from Korea to Taiwan and Singapore. Now TPA gets the home crowd. Coincidence...

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tsm conspiracy getting bigger and bigger.

I can't fucking believe it. Regi might as well win the lottery and buy Riot Games

u/ericnguyeneric avatar

are you implying that hasn't already happened?

u/waffleninja avatar

It looks like Regi bought.......Taipei Assassins.

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u/0kZ avatar

Team Secret Measures


Team Suspicious Methods

u/JWGhetto avatar

Team Subversive Means

u/Neonsands avatar

This is some Series of Unfortunate Events' VFD shit.

u/ToBeeContinued avatar

Very Fancy Doilies? Those sure are dangerous.

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Team Subterfuge & Mischief

u/DrPhineas avatar

I like your one the best, baby

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Team Serial Murders

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u/wingdagger avatar

Don't let Ann Pragg hear you say that though or she'll throw a hissy fit

Save and Ggoong

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Umm, Watch was still not the star player of the team during their gauntlet run. He just played pretty well but Save was still the star player of the team and then Gorilla and Ggoong. Just because Watch and Zefa stepped up their game during that time they did not suddenly become the star players of the team during that run.

u/OmiC avatar

I never said he was a star, just that the gauntlet run was the only time he was not a weak link.

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u/pdowling92 avatar

The General sends his regards

u/Frankha avatar

he "retired" so he could culture the Oddvirus all for this moment.

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Regi: "In the game of cups you either win or you die."

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Not Watch! He's too good looking to die!

u/Bargainking77 avatar

For years the Najin organization has kept Watch away from mirrors, for fear of what would happen.
However on a dark stormy Asian night a Rito employee will sneak into Watch's hotel and scatter mirrors all around his room.
Upon awakening Watch will finally see his own beauty, and will forever be trapped looking at his own reflection.


and they lived happily ever after,

the end.

WatchxWatch fanfic plis

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"The Picture of Thoorin Watch"


But why male models?

lol what's with all the Zoolander quotes lately?

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The story of narcissus all over again. Who is echo?



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I guess I should post this here as well



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u/808_Track avatar

It's ok as long as OMG is still intact samsung can go bankrupt and we're cool.

u/machdoch avatar

this will make for some hillarious games, when teams will lose on purpose to not play against TSM in the later stages of the turney to save their lifes.

u/Falsus avatar

We need esportsexpress to write an article of this to clarify everything for us.

u/rhindaze avatar

This is one of those Demuslim cases where esportsexpress doesn't really have to make anything up.

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How are Taipei Assassins not the prime suspect? They openly advertise that they are assassins living in Taiwan.

u/SupportNoob avatar

be TSM after half of the group has been eliminated due to Uzi murdering inSec and Svenskeren being killed by an angry taiwanese mob. GOD I love this sentence xD

Actually a few days ago a cop was killed by some 50 people with a sword in his throat in some night club in Taipei so this is totally possible if Sven goes to places where he should not go to and say things that he should not say.

u/RunsorHits avatar

Tpa took out cop and that's why cursed dropped him

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u/iindie avatar

so is he actually sick or is this liek ESSEX?

u/simpleisreal avatar

yes, he is actually sick. Look at the pictures. But the OP is just having some fun with this.

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u/Kreinzord avatar

The plot thickens!

u/SCal_Jabster avatar

It all began when Riot announced they would draw groups in private, how did no one see this coming?...

u/Kreinzord avatar


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Regi..oddone..Pls stop, SPARE THEIR FAMILIES.

u/lordlone avatar

It's important to know if something is actually wrong with him, not these dumbass comments about "lel TSM conspiracy"

I bet all the guys making those comments are intentionally withholding information from you, too.

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u/hax_wut avatar

The mighty have fallen. Everyone was either bought out by Regi's wealth or conquered through The General's prowess. Even Riot, the creator of League of Legends was a mere puppet of TSM. Maokai was buffed beyond reason and made unbannable just for The General.

The only force who stood in the way of TSM, the champions of old, the great SKT K fell. Crushed by their defeat at the hands of Samsung White, a willing soldier of The General, SKT K faded into obscurity. There was no one who could save League of Legends from TSM's iron-grip.

No one could prevent TSM's domination.

But then, when all hope is gone, Kabum appears at the stage, after defeating Alliance, NJWS and C9, they decided to stop Reginald's madness before he destroys the whole League pro scene.

However, Reginald and The General still had a trump card. Bjergsen takes off his mask to reveal that he was Faker all along! Not going to Worlds was just a way to trick our heroes into a false sense of security.

Kabum is done, the whole world watches in silence as Faker and Reginald walk slowly to the summoner's cup... Until THAT.

Five sillouetes appear at the stage, revealing themselves as the heroes of old! theRainMan, Saintvicious, HotshotGG, Chaox and Elementz!

The five heroes walk triumphantly over the bodies of the Challenger players that Faker absorbed. They are the heroes of League of Legends! The ones that saved the World!

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But Reddit detectives have overlooked one little thing...

What if... What if the team that is being benefited by all of this is none other than the 4th team in group B, Taipei Assassins? With everyone focusing on TSM TPA will take everybody by storm with their declarations meant to lure their opponents into a false sense of security (Claiming they are having problems against other teams, what kind of team does that?)

TPA confirmed first team to win twice.

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u/Betterinternet avatar

What happened with Uzi and Insex can someone please explain??


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wait is he actually going to die ?


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the dream comes true boys dp vs kabum final

u/Reazony avatar

Just want to address this issue because I'm getting some dead threat from Taiwanese community. I did not claim this statement was true at all.

I woke up in the morning, my friend told me this is what might have happened, and when I got the photo, the source link was already dead. I could not have any confirmation, so I tried to ask people on my twitter. That is why I typed "confirmation?" because I DO NOT KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON!!!

I understand the conspiracy humor that Reddit has because we joke around TSM or other teams as well, but Taiwanese community seriously think that I purposely am giving false statement, damaging Taiwanese image, and made all Redditors hate Taiwan.

This is not true at all. I post this because I simply think that asking a confirmation could get a dead threat is quite outrageous and just want to clarify my situation.

For those who don't know, NaMei was sick already before he came to Taiwan, and I was only informed after couple hours of that tweet.

tl;dr I was only asking for confirmation on my tweet, not trying to damage Taiwanese image at all. Stop sending dead threat.

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NA wins worlds confirmed

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u/IunRhys avatar

5v4 is too stronk on the internet? Let's see if 5v4 is too stronk on LAN!

u/World_Warp_1 avatar

The Oddvirus will not fail this time.


I'm kinda upset by this, EDG would have been excellent competition. I hope he recovers in time.

Plot twist: Reginald has been training ADC all this time sells TSM to Dan and subs in for Namei and wins worlds with an epic ADC TF backdoor where he gets the nexus kill from the extra damage from blue card.

u/Nydus07 avatar

Except, you can't hit nexus with the blue card, CHECK MATE, DETECTIVE SCUM.

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u/amwulf_ avatar

If Taiwanese people are so crazy that they are going to start poisoning the opposition, then Svenskeren better wear a mask and never go out.

u/Zeduxx avatar

Holy shit, TSM is going to buy the whole damn Samsung company!


Fnatic in the Finals. Rekkles will be deaded by Rito (RIP in Pizza), but they forgot Puszu is also an ADC who can bring his A game.

And in the end, after TSM wins Worlds, Dyrus will be revealed as the mastermind behind it all, having it planned from Season 1, tricking Riot and all the teams and players on the way. The kiling of scarra was just a made up story, so he could go with PhantomLord and dexter to jail, and from there on to plot more deeply for the Season 4 World Championship, from player eating habits (sabotage), to fixing the draw himself. He then goes on to laugh around like Singed, hoisting the Summoners Cup just delivered from Riot Redbeard, whilest running away from the Korean capital on the Batmobile with Phreak, having Mr.Pillow in the back, who has a massive grin on his face...

I don't know who post this tweet, but if you know the truth that Namei was sick before he came to Taiwan. The beef noodle isnt the problem to make Namei sick(sore throat). PS: NA not going to win GG

can someone tell me what happend between Uzi and InSec?

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The oddvirus strikes again.

If this were true, it would just be more humiliating for TSM when they still lose to the B squad of each team

Regi is so many steps ahead of us all.

u/LegendarySilver avatar

TSM Wonnered

u/ravsie avatar

"Riot Games are plotting to help TSM win the Season 4 World Championship"

As if it wasn't clear enough from the "draw".

u/Fabs457 avatar

even with namei in a coma.. he wont lose lane to someone like wildturtle


Watch is NOT the start player of White Shield. He is actually like the least likely player to be called the star player of that team. I hope that was just a bad joke because as a White Shield fan I feel offended :o !

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u/StacoOrikoro avatar

In the end EU, NA and Korea would win worlds together.
Everyone would be happy, genious plan by Riot Games.

u/Designnn avatar

TheOddOne strikes again.

u/Fonziee94 avatar

Dark Passage vs TSM in finals. It was the plot all along.


Since when is Watch the star of NJWS?

Should be Save!

u/Borghot avatar

It's all dark magic of black wizard Reginald

u/clinkx310 avatar

Is He playing tomorrow?

u/tremreid avatar


u/xDiam avatar


u/tremreid avatar


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u/Ighnaz avatar

fkin TSM man it's all rigged

u/Frankha avatar

The Oddvirus in action

u/feyrband avatar

It won't be Watch. They wouldn't be able to have next season's Worlds without him.

I've heard that TSM have imported fans to deal with the Koreans.

u/alkortes avatar

TheOddOne steals the death note from Lemonation?

u/Morf_uK avatar

Seriously, there's all this racism being thrown around with sven going nuts and Rito putting the wrong picture up of Clearlove, but now an asian guy goes to hospital because of noodles?! REALLY?!! WHHATTT'S GOING ON!

u/UnknownBronze avatar

Then TPA comes around and fucks the generals plans up ..

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u/Paterre avatar

O my god, i can not believe this is happening.

u/drdrx avatar


this is ridiculous

TSM to the semi finals this year?

u/IndySkylander avatar

Ann Pragg will protect Watch.

The only not believable part of this is NWS' star player being Watch. Save to be assassinated instead!

u/Zeroskate avatar

This is it boys its our time to win worlds! The General's plans are in action!



u/Hypocracy avatar

The General has started his biological warfare campaign, code name TheOddVirus. He's already immunized his team with an early, test version, and now he is ready to unleash it upon the world. Even the Koreans can't stand up against The General and his mighty Baylife warriors in his quest to take over the world (championship).

Watch Save


u/Mcdullren avatar

Come on! Namei just got cold, not a big deal! EDG U comfirmed. link:

I think you meant Save when you said Watch...


TSM making it to semis without even playing a single game

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u/Reimant avatar

Its not Riot it's the general, he is in Taiwan after all

u/horoudew avatar

goddamn you CERN and riot

umm watch is not close to being the star player of najin shield lol.... do you even OGN? save would be their star player or you could argue Ggoong could be the star player, but watch is def not the star player

This is the support staff of TSM

u/KisoValley avatar

so what happened to insec?

u/Alessx17 avatar

Pretty sure Save is the star on NJWS if there is one ...

TSM killing goats confirmed.

u/Marzz16 avatar

Your sarcasm makes me puke.

u/Resistense avatar

Wait a minute, when did Watch become the star player of Najin White Shield? Have I been hit on the head or something?

u/lrinashayk avatar



Reginald is probably dancing in joy right now.

u/Iflian4003 avatar

The General strikes again....

He did let us know he couldn't do as much for TSM at worlds by being ON the roster........

u/Ghargrim avatar

Watch the star player for Whiteshield? How about Save.

April 1st came early.


He must've ate our apple pie and had his arteries clogged by our freedom

u/starico avatar

tw mob helping tsm makes no sense. If you say this is a tpa conspiracy it would.make much more sense.


where does that Uzi murdering inSec come from.

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u/Nail_In_Head avatar

When you are unsure if food is safe you should drink alcohol before and after the meal.

What's up with China? First OMG benches their star support because he was toxic towards San. Then SHRC's Uzi starts internal fight with Insec. And finally Namei is now sick.

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u/Noctivapoo avatar

I don't believe Watch is the star player of NJWS

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The general strikes again, food poisoning on edg


Someone attacked UZI?!



Don't worry, (medical) insurance in Taiwan doesn't screw you like America (I have no idea about Korea though).

u/GoDyrusGo avatar

It's sad for everyone involved. Some teams get shafted, and the ones that win will receive no credibility for their performance.

u/Tembura avatar

This tweet is misleading.We do have some problem from the oil in food few days ago, but depend on SHRC's weibo: link Namei went to hospital after they arrived becasue he got sick before coming to Taiwan.The picture of eating beef noodle just show what they eat in these days. I dont know if u guys take this serious or not,but the tweet isnt the truth.

u/SkyySh0t avatar

Regi master plan is on.


u/violetgil avatar

wait...since when did anyone think that Watch was the star of White Shield?

u/CyndromeLoL avatar

Locodoco must have good connections with LongPanda...

u/felipefu avatar

plot twist: ahq wins group A

u/Sulavajuusto avatar

Not a surprise people get sick in the promised countries of AC.


watch and ggong die and plot twist regi doesnt know the actual start player of shield is save and save wins with gorilla 2.1v5 because zefa is still ok and they send him mid while gorilla 1v2s tsm bot lane and gets doublekill every time they go past alive turret

u/ARXChrono avatar

"NaMei has been mysteriously poisoned and will most likely die within the next few hours" what, jokes aside though... is he going to be ok o.o he will be playing in group stages later today right?


So much TSM hype. C9 for worlds!

u/Killsranq avatar

Holy shit I took that first paragraph seriously.

My god the heart attack.

Riot isn't plotting... the general is

u/fadednegative avatar

God can you just make these jokes to your 15-year-old friends and not pollute this subreddit with this unfunny bullshit