Wednesday 4 May 2022

April Fools' Month

Usually, April Fools' Day is meant for one day only, the first day of April. It seems to me that this year it was April Fools' Month! The month of April is moody at the best of times, but this year it was downright capricious, and I'm still recuperating. I don't even want to post any of the snow pictures I took, but there were plenty! 

I can't resist posting this one of huge icicles hanging from the roof in front of our kitchen window! It is an illustration of the icy grip winter had on us Manitobans this year. Add to that the horrendous war in Ukraine, several beloved friends in Ontario who passed away suddenly, and Hardy's slow recovery from bladder surgery in March.

But there were also some highlights in April. One morning, when I walked to the mail boxes a block and a half away (and that was no easy feat, climbing over snow banks or sliding along icy sidewalks -- with cleats on my boots no less!), there it was: an anthology by Dora Dueck, entitled On Holy Ground, which the Mennonite Brethren Historical Commission had invited her to put together. 

Dora asked me about a year ago if I would be willing to contribute a chapter to this book. I was one of 15 women included in the anthology. In 2019, Kindred Productions published Doug Heidebrecht's book Women in Ministry Leadership: The Journey of the Mennonite Brethren, 1954-2010. It is a history summarizing the struggle of women in leadership ministry in the MB Conference. Dora's book grew out of a wish to write about the "lived experience of women in leadership ministry among Mennonite Brethren."

It happened to be one of the less capricious days in April when I received an advance copy of the book in our mail box. I walked to the nearby lake, sat on a bench overlooking the lake, and just held the book for a while. Then I read my chapter and memories came flooding over me, of the struggle we had back in the late 1980s and 1990s with the MB conference and their stance on women in ministry.

When I got home I listened to You Are Standing on Holy Ground
[ on YouTube  >> ]
and spent the afternoon and the next day reading the stories of other women featured in Dora's book. The song has been with me every day since then!

I was excited to note that one of the contributors to Dora's book is Delores Histand Friesen. In 1996 she edited a collection of sermons by Mennonite Brethren women called All are Witnesses. In it she included a sermon I wrote (but never preached), based on John 20.1-18: Mary Magdalene's encounter with the risen Christ. 

When life gets depressing, I pick up books and they transport me into another world. Some other books I've been enjoying recently:

The book on the left was co-written by two experienced grandmothers.  On the right is Anne Lamott's latest. I love how she gets at serious topics with an earthy sense of humor!

The above is Nadine's first novel. I invited her to our sisters' birthday/book club meeting at the end of May to tell us a bit about how she came to write it and to do a bit of a reading from it. I'm really looking forward to that.

My sweet granddaughter, Lena Kate, sent me a picture taken in their backyard in Glen Allan, Ontario, and I can't wait to see these appearing very soon in our own yard!

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vale and hills.
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.
- - - 
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude; 
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

(by William Wordsworth)


  1. Thank you for this Elfrieda! April was a brutally hard month for me this year too! May is looking a little brighter! I’m looking forward to our sisters meeting in May😊

    1. I’m looking forward to it too. Thanks for hosting!

  2. From Dora Dueck: I'm so glad you said Yes. Yours is an important and honest read, in depicting the journey to discovering one's spiritual gifts. I'm happy that the anthology has representation from a variety of perspectives. Thanks also for the link to the song--now it's running through my mind too!

  3. Thank you, Dora! So grateful you asked me. It was a journey I needed to review for myself again!

  4. From Ruth Jansen: April was indeed a “moody” month and hopefully we will all appreciate every sunny day from here on in.
    Thanks again for a blog that lifts the spirits!!

    1. Today is a very sunny day, almost like it switched from winter to summer, with no spring in between! But I’m not complaining, far be it from me to do that! The snow is (mostly gone, yippee!!

  5. Congratulations to you and Dora for your new book! I remember the days of struggle for women in ministry very well. For MC-USA the turmoil began in the 1970s. It's easy to forget now, how hard it was to get challenge the patriarchy. Still is.

    What an honor to see my co-written book next to Anne Lamott's wonderful book. Thanks for including it, Elfrieda.

    1. I’m “savouring” your book, reading small bits at a time and enjoying it. It’s such a privilege to be a grandparent!

  6. There's a lot to thaw those icicles in this warm-hearted post. First of all, congratulations on your inclusion in an anthology of women in ministry. Over the years, we have had to leave a church with a strictly patriarchal theology. We are happy now attending one with women sharing the pulpit with men.

    Two other thoughts: You will enjoy reading The Mindful Grandparent, involved as you are with your own. Also, thank you for including the daffodils: "I Wander'd Lonely as a Cloud" is among my favorites.

  7. Thank you, Marian! Today it is WARM and SUNNY here! As I wrote to Shirley, I’m savouring her book and having some AHA moments!

  8. Are there any voices from BC in this book? There is certainly plenty to write about.

  9. Yes, Lorraine Dyck grew up in Chilliwack with her home church Broadway MB pastor, Bob Friesen, suggesting she go to seminary after she served in various capacities. She pastored in South Langley (1994-2006). On applying there, she received “more yes notes than any previous pastor, also the most “no” votes in their history”. After three years the church voted 98% in favour of her staying there.

    Bev Peters, originally of GC church background became involved with MB congregation in 1991 and applied for ordination. She felt her experiences were “minimized and discounted”. When she wanted to move from “pastor for women” to a pastoral leadership position it was “emphatically denied” and she was told to “stop all outside community involvements because that is not your place.” This decision was not included in the pastor’s annual report and she resigned. She had a long and difficult recovery. She went to MBBS and there she felt welcomed and respected. After that she had a five year ministry in a church where she felt welcomed and respected.
