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Chicago Tribune

Teddy bears, dolls and assorted stuffed animals lined up for health care Saturday at the Sherman Hospital’s Ambutal in Crystal Lake’s 11th annual Teddy Bear Clinic.

“Mommies” and “daddies,” ranging in age from toddlers to 10-year-olds, brought in the patients, who complained of every illness known to the stuffed-animal world, from lost eyes and holes in the seams to headaches.

“The more you know, the better you feel,” is the slogan of the Ambutal, said manager Michele Kroeger.

Kroeger and the employees of the Ambutal say if children have seen a hospital or some of the equipment used by emergency room doctors and paramedics, they may not be quite as anxious if faced with a real medical emergency.

The teddy bear clinic is a great tool to familiarize children with hospitals, emergency care and first aid, Kroeger said.

A clinic “patient” and its “parent” are given identical bracelets before the “patient” is dropped off.

The patient then receives tender loving care–a few stitches, a bandage, flowers for its hair or a new pair of spectacles made out of pipe cleaners–from hospital auxiliary members as children receive dental, hearing, vision and speech checks.

Dr. Kevin Wilson, a Crystal Lake dentist, said he looks for visual sign of cavities and incorrect bites.

“We have a good time with the kids,” Wilson said. “We can detect some early problems and use an interceptive type of treatment, which can help minimize the need for orthodontics later in life.”

“I like to get this kind of testing done so that I know he’s healthy,” said Marian Kinkead of Crystal Lake, who was waiting to have the hearing checked on her 4-year-old son, Christopher.

Like other children, Christopher brought a sick teddy bear to the clinic.

Patty Cassens of Crystal Lake came to the Teddy Bear Clinic to see if her sons, Chad, 4, and Jason, 6, are healthy.

“My oldest son is having a speech problem, and I appreciate them showing me how to help him at home,” she said.

Her boys toured the ambulance, walked on crutches, heard their own hearts beat for the first time and took a ride in a wheelchair.

“I wanted to let my boys get used to an atmosphere of doctors and hosptals before they needed to,” Cassens said. “I don’t want their first time to be a scare.”

The Teddy Bear Clinic, offered at the end of May, is successful because the parents and kids learn so much, said Kroeger.