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With Bob Jones

Both vulnerable. South deals.


S-8 5 3 2

H-K J 5

D-A 7 4

C-A 10 6


S-A K Q J 7 S-9 6 4

H-8 6 3 2 H-4

D-J 9 2 D-Q 10 8 5

C-7 C-K 8 5 4 2



H-A Q 10 9 7

D-K 6 3

C-Q J 9 3

The bidding:


1H 1S 2S- Pass

4H Pass Pass Pass

-Heart raise, 11 points

Opening lead: Ace of S

West started with two rounds of spades. Declarer ruffed the second spade, drew trumps in four rounds and took the club finesse. When that lost and East produced a third spade, the contract was defeated by two tricks.

“That was unlucky,” said South. “Four-one trumps, the club finesse off-side and East had a third spade to boot.” North was a perfect partner. “Yes, bad luck indeed,” he said, but he knew the truth — South had misplayed the hand.

Instead of ruffing the second spade, South should have discarded a low diamond from his hand. This simple loser-on-loser play (LOL) could never cost — there was a sure diamond loser anyway — and it would have catered to a layout like this one.

South would have been able to ruff the third spade, draw trumps in four rounds and then take the club finesse, exactly as he did. This time, however, East would have no spade to hurt him with and the contract would make with ease.

The loser-on-loser play is a technique that is not used often enough. It may sometimes give away the chance for an overtrick, an overtrick that might not materialize anyway, but it frequently gives you a better chance to bring home your contract.

(Bob Jones welcome readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. E-mail responses may be sent to


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