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Chicago Tribune

The city park board voted Tuesday night to recommend free use of the city’s swimming pool for needy children and families.

The board took action to recommend that the City Council make Sundays a free day for families that cannot afford the $3 daily fee. The City Council will vote on the issue next week.

The board discussed free swimming for the needy at the bidding of Mayor William LeFew.

After 30 days, the board will review how well the plan is working, said board Chairman Joseph Hagenbruch.

Pool manager Bob Burkart said he already is allowed to give needy families pool access on a case-by-case basis.

“People should know it’s not a problem and shouldn’t be embarrassed to use the pool,” Burkart said.

The Park Board also voted to recommend the City Council cut the daily fee to $1.50 for all swimmers between 6 and 7:30 p.m.