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adj. blood·i·er, blood·i·est
1. Stained with blood.
2. Of, characteristic of, or containing blood.
3. Accompanied by or giving rise to bloodshed: a bloody fight.
4. Bloodthirsty.
5. Suggesting the color of blood; blood-red.
6. Chiefly British Slang Used as an intensive: "Everyone wants to have a convict in his bloody family tree" (Robert Hughes).
Chiefly British Slang Used as an intensive: bloody well right.
tr.v. blood·ied, blood·y·ing, blood·ies
1. To stain, spot, or color with or as if with blood.
2. To make bleed, as by injuring or wounding: The troops were bloodied in the skirmish.

blood′i·ly adv.
blood′i·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


adj, bloodier or bloodiest
1. covered or stained with blood
2. resembling or composed of blood
3. marked by much killing and bloodshed: a bloody war.
4. cruel or murderous: a bloody tyrant.
5. (Colours) of a deep red colour; blood-red
adv, adj
slang chiefly Brit (intensifier): a bloody fool; bloody fine food.
vb, bloodies, bloodying or bloodied
(tr) to stain with blood
ˈbloodily adv
ˈbloodiness n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈblʌd i)

adj. blood•i•er, blood•i•est, adj.
1. stained or covered with blood.
2. bleeding: a bloody nose.
3. characterized by bloodshed: bloody battles.
4. inclined to bloodshed; bloodthirsty.
6. containing or composed of blood.
7. Chiefly Brit. Slang. (used as an intensifier): a bloody shame.
8. to stain or smear with blood.
9. to cause to bleed.
10. Chiefly Brit. Slang. (used as an intensifier): bloody awful.
[before 1000]
blood′i•ly, adv.
blood′i•ness, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: bloodied
Gerund: bloodying

I bloody
you bloody
he/she/it bloodies
we bloody
you bloody
they bloody
I bloodied
you bloodied
he/she/it bloodied
we bloodied
you bloodied
they bloodied
Present Continuous
I am bloodying
you are bloodying
he/she/it is bloodying
we are bloodying
you are bloodying
they are bloodying
Present Perfect
I have bloodied
you have bloodied
he/she/it has bloodied
we have bloodied
you have bloodied
they have bloodied
Past Continuous
I was bloodying
you were bloodying
he/she/it was bloodying
we were bloodying
you were bloodying
they were bloodying
Past Perfect
I had bloodied
you had bloodied
he/she/it had bloodied
we had bloodied
you had bloodied
they had bloodied
I will bloody
you will bloody
he/she/it will bloody
we will bloody
you will bloody
they will bloody
Future Perfect
I will have bloodied
you will have bloodied
he/she/it will have bloodied
we will have bloodied
you will have bloodied
they will have bloodied
Future Continuous
I will be bloodying
you will be bloodying
he/she/it will be bloodying
we will be bloodying
you will be bloodying
they will be bloodying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bloodying
you have been bloodying
he/she/it has been bloodying
we have been bloodying
you have been bloodying
they have been bloodying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bloodying
you will have been bloodying
he/she/it will have been bloodying
we will have been bloodying
you will have been bloodying
they will have been bloodying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bloodying
you had been bloodying
he/she/it had been bloodying
we had been bloodying
you had been bloodying
they had been bloodying
I would bloody
you would bloody
he/she/it would bloody
we would bloody
you would bloody
they would bloody
Past Conditional
I would have bloodied
you would have bloodied
he/she/it would have bloodied
we would have bloodied
you would have bloodied
they would have bloodied
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.bloody - cover with blood; "bloody your hands"
spread over, cover - form a cover over; "The grass covered the grave"
Adj.1.bloody - having or covered with or accompanied by blood; "a bloody nose"; "your scarf is all bloody"; "the effects will be violent and probably bloody"; "a bloody fight"
merciless, unmerciful - having or showing no mercy; "the merciless enemy"; "a merciless critic"; "gave him a merciless beating"
bloodless - free from blood or bloodshed; "bloodless surgery"; "a bloodless coup"
2.bloody - informal intensifiersbloody - informal intensifiers; "what a bally (or blinking) nuisance"; "a bloody fool"; "a crashing bore"; "you flaming idiot"
unmitigated - not diminished or moderated in intensity or severity; sometimes used as an intensifier; "unmitigated suffering"; "an unmitigated horror"; "an unmitigated lie"
Adv.1.bloody - extremelybloody - extremely; "you are bloody right"; "Why are you so all-fired aggressive?"
intensifier, intensive - a modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies; "`up' in `finished up' is an intensifier"; "`honestly' in `I honestly don't know' is an intensifier"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. (Slang) damned, flaming, fucking (taboo slang), bleeding, blooming, freaking (slang, chiefly U.S.), rotten, blinking, confounded, ruddy, infernal, deuced, wretched, frigging (taboo slang) I just assumed they were bloody idiot tourists.
2. cruel, fierce, savage, brutal, vicious, ferocious, cut-throat, warlike, barbarous, sanguinary Forty-three demonstrators were killed in bloody chaos.
3. bloodstained, raw, bleeding, blood-soaked, blood-spattered His fingers were bloody and cracked.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Of or covered with blood:
2. Attended by or causing bloodshed:
4. So annoying or detestable as to deserve condemnation:
Informal: blamed, damned.
Chiefly British: blooming, ruddy.
To cover with blood:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
دَمَوي، ميّالٌ إلى سَفْكِ الدِّماءدَمَوِيّلَعين، مَلْعونمُلَطَّخٌ بالدَّميَنْزِفُ دماًا
blæîandiblóîugurblóîugur, blóîi drifinn; mannskæîurbölvaîur
kanlıAllahın belâsıçok kan dökülenkana bulanmışkanayan
đẫm máu


A. ADJ (bloodier (compar) (bloodiest (superl)))
1. (lit) (= bloodstained) [hands, dress] → ensangrentado, manchado de sangre; (= cruel) [battle] → sangriento, cruento (frm); [steak] → sanguinolento
her fingers were cracked and bloodysus dedos estaban agrietados y sangraban
to give sb a bloody noseromper la nariz a algn
2. (Brit) shut the bloody door!¡cierra la puerta, coño!, ¡me cago en diez, cierra esa puerta!
that bloody dog!¡ese puñetero perro!
you bloody idiot!¡maldito imbécil!
I'm a bloody genius!¡la leche, soy un genio!, ¡joder, qué genio soy!
bloody hell!¡maldita sea!, ¡joder!
B. ADV (Brit) not bloody likely!¡ni hablar!, ¡ni de coña!
he can bloody well do it himself!¡que lo haga él, leche! or coño!
that's no bloody good!¡me cago en la mar, eso no vale para nada!, ¡eso no vale para nada, joder!
it's a bloody awful placees un sitio asqueroso, es un sitio de mierda
he runs bloody fastcorre que se las pela, corre (de) la hostia
C. VT he had bloodied his knee when he fellse había hecho sangre en la rodilla al caer
she stared at her bloodied handsse miró las manos manchadas de sangre
he was bloodied but unbowed (fig) → había sufrido pero no se daba por vencido
D. CPD Bloody Mary Nbloody mary m
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[war, riot] → sanglant(e)
[knife, fingers] → ensanglanté(e); [nose] → en sang
(British) [man, woman, thing] → foutu(e)
that bloody television → cette foutue télévision
bloody hell! → merde!
adv (British) (= really) bloody awful → totalement nul(le)
bloody good → vachement bon(ne), sacrément bon(ne)
bloody difficult → sacrément difficile
vt [+ knee, nose] → ensanglanterBloody Mary bloody mary [ˌblʌdiˈmɛəri] nbloody mary mbloody-minded [ˌblʌdiˈmaɪndɪd] adj (British) [person] → obstiné(e); [determination, persistence] → obstiné(e); [attitude] → buté(e)
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


adj (+er)
(lit) nose, bandage, battleblutig; to give somebody a bloody nose (fig) (in contest) → jdm einen Denkzettel verpassen; (in war) → jdm eine Niederlage beibringen
(Brit inf: = damned) → verdammt (inf), → Scheiß- (inf); (in positive sense) genius, wonderecht (inf), → verdammt (inf); it was a bloody nuisance/waste of timeMann or Mensch, das war vielleicht ein Quatsch (inf)or Scheiß (inf)/das war reine Zeitverschwendung; it was there all the bloody timeMann (inf)or Mensch (inf)or Scheiße (inf), → das war schon die ganze Zeit da; I haven’t got any bloody timeverdammt noch mal, ich hab keine Zeit (inf); he hasn’t got a bloody hopeMensch or Mann, der hat doch überhaupt keine Chance (inf); bloody hell!verdammt! (inf), → Scheiße! (inf); (in indignation) → verdammt noch mal! (inf); (in amazement) → Menschenskind! (inf), → meine Fresse! (sl); he is a bloody marveler ist echt or verdammt gut (inf)
(inf, = awful) → gräulich (inf); person, behaviourabscheulich
adv (Brit inf) → verdammt (inf), → saumäßig (inf); hot, cold, stupidsau- (inf); (in positive sense) good, brilliantecht (inf), → verdammt (inf); that’s bloody useless, that’s no bloody gooddas ist doch Scheiße (inf); not bloody likelyda ist überhaupt nichts drin (inf); he can bloody well do it himselfdas soll er schön alleine machen, verdammt noch mal! (inf)
vtblutig machen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. adj
a. (bleeding) → sanguinante, che sanguina; (bloodstained) → insanguinato/a; (cruel, battle, feud) → sanguinoso/a
b. (Brit) (fam) → maledetto/a, dannato/a
this bloody ... → questo maledetto...
bloody good → maledettamente buono/a
a bloody awful day → una giornata di merda
bloody hell! → porca miseria!
I'm a bloody genius! → madonna, che genio che sono!
2. adv (Brit) (fam) that's no bloody good!questo non serve a un cavolo!
she runs bloody fast! → cavolo, se corre veloce!
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(blad) noun
1. the red fluid pumped through the body by the heart. Blood poured from the wound in his side.
2. descent or ancestors. He is of royal blood.
ˈbloodless adjective
1. without the shedding of blood. a bloodless victory.
2. anaemic. She is definitely bloodless.
ˈbloody adjective
1. stained with blood. a bloody shirt; His clothes were torn and bloody.
2. bleeding. a bloody nose.
3. murderous and cruel. a bloody battle.
4. used in slang vulgarly for emphasis. That bloody car ran over my foot!
ˈbloodcurdling adjective
terrifying and horrible. a blood-curdling scream.
blood donor
a person who gives blood for use by another person in transfusion etc.
blood group/type
any one of the types into which human blood is classified. Her blood group is O.
ˈblood-poisoning noun
an infection of the blood. He is suffering from blood-poisoning.
blood pressure
the (amount of) pressure of the blood on the walls of the blood-vessels. The excitement will raise his blood pressure.
ˈbloodshed noun
deaths or shedding of blood. There was much bloodshed in the battle.
ˈbloodshot adjective
(of eyes) full of red lines and inflamed with blood.
ˈbloodstained adjective
stained with blood. a bloodstained bandage.
ˈbloodstream noun
the blood flowing through the body. The poison entered her bloodstream.
ˈblood test noun
an analysis of a patient's blood to find out if he/she has any diseases. etc.
ˈbloodthirsty adjective
1. eager to kill people. a bloodthirsty warrior.
2. (of a film etc) full of scenes in which there is much killing.
ˈbloodthirstiness noun
ˈblood transfusion noun
the process of giving blood to someone through the veins during an operation etc.
ˈblood-vessel noun
any of the tubes in the body through which the blood flows. He has burst a blood-vessel.
in cold blood
while free from excitement or passion. He killed his son in cold blood.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


دَمَوِيّ krvavý blodig blutig αιματηρός ensangrentado, sangriento verinen sanglant krvav sanguinoso 血まみれの 피투성이의 bloederig blodig krwawy ensanguentado, sangrento кровавый blodig เต็มไปด้วยเลือด kanlı đẫm máu 血腥的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


a. ensangrentado-a, con sangre, sanguinolento-a, cruento.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


adj sanguinolento (form), con sangre; — discharge secreción sanguinolenta, secreción con sangre; — nose (fam) hemorragia nasal (form), sangrado nasal or por la nariz; — show (obst) sangrado vaginal (antes de la expulsión del feto)
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
'At a crisis like the present, when Queen Elizabeth, that maiden monarch, weeps within her tomb, and Bloody Mary, with a brow of gloom and shadow, stalks triumphant--'
'Oh, sir,' cied the man, gruffly, 'where's the use of talking of Bloody Mary, under such circumstances as the present, when my lord's wet through, and tired with hard riding?
'I hope you're not a-going to trouble your head to-night, or my lord's head neither, with anything more about Bloody Mary,' said John.
She soon removed the clout from the head of Goody Brown, and then fastening on her hair with one hand, with the other she caused another bloody stream to issue forth from the nostrils of the enemy.
This, I know, some derive from their being of a more bloody inclination than the males.
Molly, beside her present unhappy condition, was differently formed in those parts, and might, perhaps, have tempted the envy of Brown to give her a fatal blow, had not the lucky arrival of Tom Jones at this instant put an immediate end to the bloody scene.
Two hundred thousand machinists, along with their five hundred thousand allies in the metalworking trades, had been defeated in as bloody a strike as had ever marred the United States.
We shall be robbed of our few remaining liberties; the Iron Heel will walk upon our faces; nothing remains but a bloody revolution of the working class.
No words, no tears, no prayers, from his gory victim, seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose.
I was so terrified and horror-stricken at the sight, that I hid myself in a closet, and dared not venture out till long after the bloody transaction was over.
A grim smile forced itself to my lips as I thought of the rude awakening that lay in store for the ruler of Okar, and my itching fingers fondled the hilt of my bloody sword.
It would be wearisome to narrate the details of that bloody struggle; of how we fought from the doorway, the full length of the room to the very foot of the throne before the last of my antagonists fell with my blade piercing his heart.