The safety we need.

The fairness we deserve.

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For 20 years, Alvin Bragg has dedicated his life to keeping New Yorkers safe and being a voice for equality and justice for all. While others yell and blame, Alvin is doing the hard work to make Manhattan safer. Take a look at what he’s done:

Since Alvin Bragg took office in 2022, Manhattan has gotten safer.

When Alvin Bragg took office as Manhattan DA in January 2022, NYC - like nearly every city - was still reeling from the COVID national crime spike.

So Alvin went to work on a comprehensive strategy to keep Manhattan safe:

  • worked with law enforcement to target those driving violent crime and increased gun prosecutions by 20%;

  • launched new mental health and substance use initiatives to get people the help they need and prevent crime;

  • and invested in new programs to give kids positive alternatives like jobs and community service, so they avoid trouble and stay on a path to a bright future.

New crime stats show Alvin's safety vision works: In Manhattan, shootings are down 47.8%, homicides are down 16.7% and burglary is down 31.2% since Alvin took office. (NYPD Stats)

There is still much more work to do, and Alvin isn't satisfied. But his comprehensive strategy is delivering results, and it's how we achieve the safety we need, and the justice we deserve.

About Alvin Bragg:

Having grown up and now raising his family in a neighborhood where crime and gunshots aren’t just seen and heard on the news, Alvin knows personally how crime rattles our neighborhoods and creates fear among the people who live in them.