We want to hear from you! Please share your story about important people in your life. 

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We want to hear your story! We are working on a project to better understand social connections among adults with significant mental health challenges. We are seeking your stories on your social connections generally, how you feel about those connections, and what they mean to you. What are the relationships that matter to you? How are you supported, and how do you support your social connections? What do you do to help maintain your connections?   

Over the next few weeks, we will send a series of surveys that will ask for your story. Each survey should only take a few minutes to complete.  

This is different than most surveys as we want to hear your story more than collect typical survey responses. You will have the opportunity to type your story or if you’d rather, you can share an audio recording of your response. We would also be happy to schedule a time for you to share your story with a research assistant.  

These stories will inform the development of a series of resources that aim to highlight the importance of social relationships for individuals who experience mental illnesses. Stories and quotes from these stories might be used to shape trainings or advocacy documents. We hope to share your voice and your story to help shape the future of mental health services. Ultimately, your voice matters and your stories should be a focus of these efforts. 

This month, we would like to hear your story about an important person in your life. Please follow this link to share your story!

The Temple University Collaborative is supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living, National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR), and Temple University. The content of this special announcement does not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. 
