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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Comparison of Under Water Wireless

Communication Using Deep Learning
K. Sathiya Priya1; K. Prasad2; K.V. Ganesh Reddy3; K. Yenosh Kumar4; K. Arjun5
Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, India, 600073.
K. Prasad, K.V. Ganesh Reddy , K.Yenosh Kumar, K.Arjun, School of Computing, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering , Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai, India, 600073

Abstract:- The challenges encountered in aquatic I. INTRODUCTION

communication systems encompass colourful factors,
including limited bandwidth, high energy consumption In today's computerized scene, the increase in cyber
rates, extended propagation detention times, End- to- threats poses serious challenges to the security and
End Delay(E-ED), media access control, routing reputation of data systems around the world, and cyber
complications, resource application, and power hacking breaches in particular cause significant damage to
constraints. These challenges bear the perpetration of both businesses and people. A potentially formidable
energy-effective protocols, which can be distributed into enemy. To meet this challenge, we need to further develop
localization- grounded or localization-free protocols. modern devices and strategies that can predict and analyse
This design primarily focuses on reviewing and assaying cyber hacking breaches with high accuracy and power. This
localization-free protocols, considering environmental extension proposes to leverage control of deep learning
variables, data transmission rates, transmission strategies to address the problem of predicting and
effectiveness, energy consumption rates, E-ED, and investigating cyber hacking breaches. By extending the
propagation detainments. Through a comprehensive capabilities of deep learning beyond the promise of learning
review, the design aims to identify the strengths and sins complex structures and relationships within information, we
of being protocols, thereby paving the way for unborn aim to improve our ability to predict and detect cyber threats
advancements in Aquatic Wireless Sensor Networks that manifest as full-fledged vulnerabilities. The process
(UWSNs). The proposed check entails an in- depth begins with the collection and pre-processing of various
examination of localization-free protocols, pressing the datasets containing data that almost goes beyond a cyber
specific problems addressed and the crucial parameters hacking episode, and proceeds through a series of carefully
considered during routing in UWSNs. Unlike former calibrated steps. These datasets undergo thorough cleaning
checks, this study concentrates on the current state- of- and include extraction forms for planning inclusion in deep
the- art routing protocols, emphasizing the routing learning models. The focus of the extension is to explore a
strategy issues they attack. By emphasizing the variety of deep learning designs, including recurrent neural
advantages of each protocol, the design seeks to decide systems (RNNs), convolutional neural systems (CNNs), and
energy-effective results. likewise, detailed descriptions transformer-based models. Through iterative
of the routing strategies employed by each protocol are experimentation and optimization, we determine which
handed to enhance appreciation. also, the downsides of programs are most successful for the task at hand, seeking
each protocol are strictly examined to grease farther to achieve the highest accuracy and unwavering quality in
disquisition and identify the most suitable protocol. The predicting breaches by cyber hackers. Furthermore, we use
comprehensive analysis of routing strategies, along with interpretability techniques to explain the components that
the delineation of pros and cons, not only sheds light on influence the model's expectations, providing valuable
being challenges but also offers precious perceptivity insights into aspects of cyber threats and facilitating
into unborn exploration directions. By presenting open informed decision-making. Finally, the prepared model is
challenges and delineating implicit exploration avenues, transferred to a production situation, allowing real-time
this design aims to contribute to the ongoing elaboration localization and investigation of cybersecurity threats. By
and enhancement of aquatic communication systems. leveraging cutting-edge deep learning technology, this
expansion aims to empower cybersecurity forces and
Keywords: - Underwater Wireless Communication, Deep strengthen the strength of their computational infrastructure
Learning, Prediction Models, Machine Learning, Neural against the ever-evolving cyber threat scene.
Networks, Communication Performance, Signal
Propagation, Underwater Environment.

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Underwater wireless communication is essential for a communication reliability and efficiency by analysing and
variety of applications such as environmental monitoring, comparing the effectiveness of various deep learning
underwater exploration, and underwater robotics. However, algorithms such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs),
they face significant challenges due to the unique recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and deep feedforward
characteristics of the underwater environment, such as networks (DFNs). Identify the best approach to improve. In
signal attenuation, multipath propagation, and limited an underwater scenario.
bandwidth. To address these challenges and improve the
performance of underwater communication systems, This study aims to provide insight into the strengths
researchers have relied on deep learning techniques for and limitations of different technologies in addressing
predictive modelling. underwater wireless communication challenges through a
comprehensive review and comparison of deep learning-
Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, has based predictive models. This study demonstrates the
promise in a variety of fields because it can automatically ability of deep learning to accurately predict
learn patterns and features from complex data. In the communication performance metrics in underwater
context of underwater wireless communications, deep environments by investigating factors such as signal-to-
learning models can be trained to predict communication noise ratio (SNR), channel characteristics, and transmission
performance metrics such as signal strength, bit error rate, parameters.
and packet loss based on environmental conditions and
system parameters. Ultimately, the results of this study are expected to
contribute to the development of more robust and efficient
This study aims to compare different approaches for underwater wireless communication systems and impact
predicting underwater wireless communication various applications such as underwater exploration,
performance using deep learning techniques. By evaluating surveillance, and environmental monitoring.
and comparing different predictive models, we aim to
identify the most effective ways to improve the reliability II. LITERATURE SURVEY
and efficiency of underwater communication systems. The
comparison takes into account factors such as predictive A. Sensor Localization Calculation in Submerged Remote
accuracy, computational complexity, and robustness to Sensor Organize Chang Ho Yu; Kang-Hoon Lee; Hyun
environmental fluctuations. Pil Moon; Jae-eun Choi.Youthful Bong Seo IEEE 2023
Right now, distinctive sorts of sensor localization
Through this comparative analysis, we aim to provide strategies are being created for earthbound remote sensor
insights into the strengths and limitations of different deep systems. To amplify this field to submerged situations, this
learning-based prediction models for underwater wireless paper explores his sensor localization method for
communication. Ultimately, our findings will contribute to submerged remote sensor systems (UWSNs). With in the
the development of more reliable and adaptive underwater submerged environment, radio recurrence (RF) signals have
communication systems, enhancing their effectiveness in exceptionally restricted engendering and are subsequently
challenging aquatic environments. not reasonable for utilize submerged. Subsequently, the
UWSN must be prepared with an acoustic modem. In this
Underwater wireless communication systems play an manner, a unused localization calculation is required to
important role in various applications such as underwater decide the area of each sensor. To begin with, we consider
exploration, environmental monitoring, and marine localization procedures in earthly situations and investigate
industry. However, challenges unique to underwater conceivable strategies in oceanic situations. He at that point
environments, such as limited bandwidth, high propagation presents his calculation, which is appropriate for submerged
delays, and harsh acoustic conditions, pose major obstacles utilize. At last, the submerged localization calculation is
to reliable communications, and in recent years, deep assessed utilizing computer-assisted different conditions
learning techniques have been used to overcome these between the communication extend of the sensor hub, the
challenges. There is growing interest in using it. Improve hub number and the area of the reference hub.
the performance of underwater wireless communication
systems. B. MDS-based localization calculation for submerged
remote sensor arrange Hua-bin Chen; Wang Deqing;
Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, has Feiyuan. Ru Xu IEEE 2023
achieved remarkable success in a variety of fields, including The reason of this think about is to propose a
computer vision, natural language processing, and speech multidimensional localization scaling calculation based on
recognition. The ability to automatically learn and extract cluster structure [MDS-MAP (C, E)]. This calculation is
complex patterns from large datasets makes it a promising utilized in submerged remote sensor systems (UWSN) for
approach for predicting and optimizing communication self-positioning. hub. MDS-MAP (C, E) Calculation: To
performance in underwater environments. begin with, the submerged remote sensor organize is
partitioned into numerous cluster heads in a neighbourhood
This study aims to compare and evaluate different deep organize. Second, local situating. A Euclidean calculation is
learning models for predicting the performance of utilized to calculate the Euclidean remove between each hub
underwater wireless communications. This study improves and its two-hop neighbours, and this Euclidean remove is

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

utilized for multidimensional scaling of each cluster. This E. Natural Algorithm-Based Adaptive Architecture for
Euclidean remove is utilized rather than the most limited Wireless Underwater Sensor Networks Shabir Ahmad
remove from the cluster. Dijkstra or Floyd calculation. The Sofi. Ruhi Naaz Mir IEEE 2023
reenactment comes about appear that: The localization Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSN) have
algorithm achieves self-positioning of the complete arrange many challenges, but one of the biggest challenges is battery
within the case of submerged grapple hubs with scanty power limitations. UWSN cannot charge or replace
sensor hubs. This calculation can accomplish higher batteries. Signal attenuation underwater is also greater than
situating exactness than the conventional His MDS-MAP his WSN on land. Therefore, for the same distance and
calculation whereas lessening computational taken a toll. amount of data, transmitting a signal to the water surface
requires using more energy than a terrestrial wireless sensor
C. RF- Multihop Submerged Inactive Remote Sensor network (WSN). In some cases, the scenario becomes even
Organize with Electromagnetic Communication Xianhui worse due to effects such as water flow. There are frequent
Che; Ian Wells. Paul Care; Gordon Dickers. Koharu changes in the location and location of nodes relative to the
Isao. Stamp Rhodes IEEE 2023 cluster head or other nodes. Due to the above reasons, the
Most submerged sensor systems select acoustics as the routing in UWSN should be energy efficient and adaptable
medium of remote transmission. In any case, to network changes. In this article, an adaptive architecture
electromagnetic waves moreover offer critical points of based on natural algorithms is proposed to maintain node
interest for transmission in uncommon submerged connectivity even when nodes leave the cluster, and
situations. A little remote sensor organize is sent utilizing Advanced A dedicated cluster head called a Node is used.
electromagnetic waves with a inactive multi-hop topology
in shallow water conditions with huge sums of silt and air III. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY
circulation within the water column. Information
transmission happens through a transmission cycle of rest A. Information Collection:
and wake cycles per day. Due to the special characteristics Collect submerged remote communications
of the organize, Advertisement Hoc On Request Separate information from a assortment of sources or recreate the
Vector (AODV) is selected as the directing convention. information utilizing an suitable show. Guarantee that your
Modelling and simulation are performed to assess organize dataset incorporates highlights such as flag quality, channel
execution in terms of blame resilience, clog dealing with, characteristics, natural parameters (temperature, weight,
and ideal network placement. This result shows that the etc.), communication execution measurements (throughput,
indicated arrange is likely to be substantial for this and delay, etc.).
comparative scenarios.
B. Information Preprocessing:
D. Design of sensor nodes in underwater sensor networks Clean up information sets by taking care of lost values,
Yu Yang; Xiaoming Zhang. Peng Bo. Fu Yujing IEEE exceptions, and commotion. Normalize or standardize
2023 highlights to guarantee reliable scaling and dissemination.
Since the mid-1990s, terrestrial wireless sensor Part the dataset into preparing, approval, and test sets to
networks have developed rapidly. However, the is limited assess show execution.
by certain characteristics of underwater acoustic channels,
including: Due to the limited available bandwidth and high C. Include Determination or Extraction:
propagation delays, the development of underwater sensor Recognize pertinent highlights that offer assistance
networks and the expansion of the concept of terrestrial anticipate submerged remote communication execution.
wireless sensor networks in marine applications is slower Select instructive highlights utilizing methods such as
than that of terrestrial wireless sensor networks. means. relationship examination, include significance, and space
Additionally, nodes and energy-efficient MAC protocols are information. Alternatively, perform include extraction to
the highlights of the current research, as subsea instruments decrease dimensionality utilizing strategies such as central
are typically battery-powered and the power consumption of component investigation (PCA) and autoencoders.
a single node is directly related to the lifetime of the entire
network. is. In this article, his design of a low-power D. Demonstrate Determination:
underwater acoustic network node is proposed. Using the Select a reasonable profound learning design for
Dasia Sleep/Wakepsila operating mode reduces the average comparison. B. Convolutional Neural Arrange (CNN),
power consumption of a node. And is based on the concept Repetitive Neural Organize (RNN), or Half breed Show.
of software defined radios, which allows node projects to Explore with diverse demonstrate arrangements, counting
increase application flexibility. The completed prototype number of layers, enactment capacities, and regularization
was tested in an anechoic pond. The results show that the strategies. Consider pre-trained models or exchange
prototype has the characteristics of compact structure, learning approaches as suitable.
reliable performance, and low power consumption. Since
network nodes are the core section of underwater sensor E. Preparing:
networks, this design provides an excellent platform to Prepare a profound learning demonstrate utilizing the
explore and validate the MAC layer of practical underwater preparing dataset. Utilize optimization calculations such as
sensor networks. stochastic slope plunge (SGD), Adam, or RMSprop to play
down the misfortune work. Utilize approval information to

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

screen preparing advance and apply early halting to avoid J. Documentation and Detailing
overfitting. Report the entire strategy, counting information
preprocessing steps, demonstrate design, hyperparameters,
F. Assessment: and assessment measurements. Create a comprehensive
Assess the performance of each show within the report summarizing the exploratory setup, comes about, and
approval set using appropriate measurements such as conclusions from a comparison of profound learning models
exactness, cruel squared mistake (MSE), and classification for submerged remote communication expectation.
measurements. We compare the execution of distinctive
models based on their capacity to precisely anticipate the IV. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
characteristics of submerged remote communications.
Significant challenges facing underwater wireless
G. Hyperparameter Tuning: communications (UWC) due to factors such as signal
Optimize the hyper parameters of each show utilizing propagation limitations require the exploration of advanced
strategies such as lattice look, arbitrary look, and Bayesian techniques to improve performance. This project proposes a
optimization. Optimize hyper parameters such as learning new system architecture that leverages the power of deep
rate, bunch estimate, surrender rate, and arrange engineering learning to predict UWC performance. Real or simulated
parameters to improve demonstrate execution. data with relevant parameters is collected and pre-processed
to ensure compatibility with deep learning models. The
H. Testing: architecture considers various modelling options such as
Approve the ultimate show on the test set to survey its convolutional neural networks (CNNs), long short-term
generalization capacity and vigor. Compare demonstrate memory (LSTM) networks, and possibly hybrid models,
execution based on prescient precision, unwavering quality, and analyses data and communication metrics such as bit
and computational proficiency. error rates and signals. Effectively capture complex
relationships. Noise-to-noise ratio. Once trained, the model
I. Examination and Translation: is rigorously evaluated to improve accuracy and
Analyse the comes about to distinguish the qualities generalizability.
and shortcomings of each profound learning show in
anticipating submerged remote communications. Decipher
comes about to pick up understanding into the effectiveness
of different designs and strategies. We talk about the
suggestions of our comes about and recommend suggestions
for future inquire about and viable applications.

Fig 1: System Architecture of Underwater Wireless Communication

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


Fig 2: Flow Chart of Underwater Communication using Deep Learning

A. Input Dataset: component analysis (PCA) to identify the most meaningful

This data, ideally diverse and spanning real-world data components that effectively capture the complex
scenarios, serves as the basis for deep learning models to relationships within the data set.
predict UWC performance. The project relies on the quality
and completeness of this input data set to produce accurate F. Classification:
and generalizable predictions. Classification tasks involve assigning data points to
predefined categories, which are not directly applicable to
B. Pre- Processing: this project. Our goal is to predict UWC performance
Several pre-processing steps are important to prepare metrics such as bit error rate and signal-to-noise ratio based
data for deep learning models. First, missing values in the on various input features.
dataset are handled. This includes information about
channel characteristics, signal characteristics, and required G. Output Prediction:
communication metrics. The purpose of this project is to compare the
effectiveness of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and long
C. Clusterning: short-term memory (LSTM) networks in predicting the
Clustering may be considered in future iterations to performance of underwater wireless communication
analyse different UWC scenarios, but is not directly (UWC). Both models are trained on the same dataset
applicable to the initial model development stage of this containing features such as channel characteristics, signal
project. Our main focus is to develop robust deep learning characteristics, and required communication metrics such as
models that predict performance in various underwater bit error rate and signal-to noise ratio.
environments, making clustering less relevant for this

D. Feature Extraction:  Accuracy: LSTM models consistently outperformed

To improve the predictive accuracy of deep learning RNNs, CNNs, and ANNs in achieving higher levels of
models, this project emphasizes careful feature extraction. accuracy. This demonstrates the superior ability of
By leveraging our understanding of underwater LSTM in accurately classifying signal data in an
communications physics, we directly extract features such underwater communication context and highlights its
as path loss and Doppler shift that are critical to strength in processing long sequence data, which is
understanding channel behaviour and signal propagation. essential due to the characteristic temporal distribution
Additionally, consider statistical techniques such as of signals in underwater environments. I will take
principal component analysis (PCA) to identify important advantage of it.
data components, potentially reducing complexity while  Precision and Recall: The LSTM model showed a better
preserving important information. Additionally, you can balance between precision and recall compared to its
combine existing features or apply transformations to create counterpart. This balance is important in underwater
new features to extract even more informative communications and demonstrates not only the model's
representations of your model. accuracy in identifying true signal patterns, but also the
model's efficiency in reducing false negatives and
E. Feature Selection: ensuring that only minimally relevant signal patterns are
Selecting the most informative features is critical to the missed.
success of deep learning models. We take a two-pronged  F1 Score: The F1 score, which balances precision and
approach that leverages both our understanding of recall, once again proves the robustness of the LSTM
underwater communications and data-driven technologies. model. Underwater communications often require a
First, based on our expertise, we directly select key features trade-off between precision and recall due to noisy
such as path loss that are known to have a significant impact environments, making this metric particularly
on signal propagation and channel behaviour. Second, meaningful for the overall performance of the model.
leverage data driven techniques such as principal

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Computational load: LSTM prefers higher computing of LSTM, but also provides a glimpse into the depth of
resources, but this aspect was considered secondary to understanding required to address the inherent complexities
good performance metrics. Despite its computational of communication in underwater environments.
complexity, LSTM cannot sacrifice performance,
making it an attractive option in scenarios where The unique challenges of underwater communications,
sufficient computational resources are available. from signal degradation and multipath propagation to
 Analysis: The superior performance of the LSTM model severe noise interference, require innovative solutions that
is mainly due to its sophisticated design, which features can accurately and reliably address these issues. Although
sequential data processing. LSTM effectively addresses existing approaches offer some effectiveness, they often
the challenge of long-term dependencies, a known lack the sophistication required for low-error applications,
hurdle of traditional RNNs, through an innovative gating such as deep-sea exploration and autonomous underwater
mechanism. These mechanisms allow information to be vehicle (AUV) operations. The use of deep learning,
stored for long periods of time, an invaluable property in especially LSTM, usher in a new era in which the temporal
dealing with the temporally distributed and distorted nuances of the underwater world and ambient noise are
signals characteristic of underwater communications. skilfully managed, resulting in significantly improved
 Furthermore, LSTM has an innate ability to selectively signal clarity and transmission fidelity.
search the data and focus on important signal features
while ignoring noise. This feature is different from The far-reaching implications of our research suggest
RNN, CNN, and ANN. Despite their strengths, RNNs, a fundamental rethink in the development and
CNNs, and ANNs cannot compete with the customized implementation of underwater communication
architecture of LSTMs for detailed temporal data technologies. The capabilities provided by LSTM models
analysis. open new opportunities to improve the performance of
 Implications: Our results highlight the potential of his maritime research, defence, and commercial operations
LSTM model to significantly improve the performance through more reliable and efficient data connectivity. This
of underwater communication systems. LSTM is could greatly benefit underwater robotics, remote sensing,
considered a promising solution to improve the accuracy and environmental monitoring projects.
and reliability of these systems due to its proven
effectiveness in handling complex underwater signal Furthermore, the discussion on the computational cost
transmission. Although more computation is required, of LSTM reveals important aspects of its practical
the improved performance is worth the trade-off, application. Although LSTM requires more computing
especially for critical tasks such as underwater power, advances in computing technology and the
exploration, environmental monitoring, and increasing availability of advanced hardware resources lead
communication between autonomous underwater to a future in which these challenges become less difficult
vehicles. and the benefits of LSTM become more achievable.

Finally, our talk will highlight the revolutionary role of

LSTM networks in transforming underwater
communication strategies. By addressing long-standing
challenges in this field, LSTM not only heralds a new era of
advanced communication systems, but also sets a
benchmark for future technological advances in the
maritime sector. Continuing efforts to improve these models
for broader applications will provide many breakthrough
opportunities and provide a promising future for marine
technology research and applications.


Interest in underwater wireless sensor networks

Fig 3: Accuracy Comparison (UWSN) is rapidly increasing, and researchers are actively
participating in various related studies. However,
underwater environments have unique challenges and
limitations that complicate the design of routing protocols
Research into the use of deep learning algorithms,
for UWSNs. These challenges arise from factors such as
particularly long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, to
limited propagation range, high signal attenuation, and
improve underwater communications represents a major unpredictability of underwater conditions.
advance in this niche but important field. Our study
highlights the clear advantages of his LSTM compared to Despite efforts to address these challenges, existing
traditional models and points the way towards more robust
routing protocols for UWSNs mainly focus on increasing
and accurate underwater data transmission methods. This
delivery speed, reducing energy consumption, and
advancement not only reflects the technical sophistication minimizing delay. Unfortunately, many of these protocols

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

lack sufficient mechanisms to protect against security Security threats in UWSNs can severely compromise
attacks that can disrupt or degrade network communications network performance and disrupt communication among
and performance. Therefore, there is an urgent need to sensor nodes. Attackers may attempt to block or degrade
develop a robust routing protocol that can effectively network communication by launching various types of
mitigate security threats while maintaining efficient and attacks, such as jamming, eavesdropping, or spoofing.
reliable communication in UWSNs. These attacks can lead to packet loss, increased latency, and
reduced overall network throughput.
One of the primary objectives of routing protocols in
UWSNs is to optimize the delivery ratio of data packets
while simultaneously minimizing energy consumption and
reducing latency. Achieving these goals is crucial for
ensuring efficient and reliable communication in
underwater environments. However, existing routing
protocols often fail to address security concerns adequately.

Fig 6: Improved Throughout

Despite the critical need for robust security

mechanisms in UWSNs, many current routing protocols
lack built-in defences against such attacks. As a result,
UWSNs remain vulnerable to security threats, posing
significant risks to data integrity, confidentiality, and
Fig 4: Lifespan availability. Addressing these security challenges is
paramount to ensure the reliability and resilience of
Interest in underwater wireless sensor networks underwater communication systems.
(UWSNs) is burgeoning, and researchers are actively
engaged in studying various aspects of these networks.
However, the underwater environment presents unique
challenges and constraints that significantly impact the
design and operation of routing protocols in UWSNs. These
challenges stem from the inherent characteristics of
underwater communication, such as limited bandwidth,
high propagation delays, and signal attenuation.

Fig 7: Transmission Delay

In summary, while research on UWSNs continues to

advance, the lack of robust security measures in existing
routing protocols remains a pressing concern. Future
research efforts should focus on developing secure and
resilient routing protocols tailored to the unique
requirements of underwater environments. These protocols
Fig 5: Packet Delivery should incorporate sophisticated security mechanisms to
defend against emerging threats and safeguard the integrity
and performance of UWSNs.

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Volume 9, Issue 4, April – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

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