Fundraising and revenue specialist

Business Studies and/or Management Science, Engineering and/or Technology, Social Sciences
Den Haag
1 Mar, 2023 to 30 Nov, 2023
15 Feb, 2023

General information

9 months
3-4 days per week

What will you do?

At YFM, we organise training and development opportunities for young leaders to become more influential in their fight for justice. We do so by offering them training and coaching opportunities that build their confidence, capacity and competences to speak up, lobby & campaign for the environment, animal rights, human rights and inclusion. Important objectives for 2023 are to further professionalize our training courses and to pave the way for our first physical youth center. And for that we need access to more money and a better revenue model… which is why we’re looking for you! As our fundraising and revenue specialist, you’ll be in the lead for:

  • improving YFM’s revenue model, in line with the organisation’s mission and ambition
  • applying for concrete funding opportunities that match our activities
  • making a step by step plan for working towards the point of applying for funding to get a physical YFM competence centre up and running, and contribute to the implementation of that plan


Who are you?

Our ideal candidate for this role:

  • is highly motivated to take on the role, with an intention to be involved in the organisation for a longer period of time.
  • is willing to step out of their comfort zone, develop new competences, take responsibility, and all of that with a positive mindset.
  • affiliates with youth who want to make the world a better place, including their needs.
  • easily sees & identifies opportunities and has an innovative mindset
  • is autonomous and self-organised
  • is analytical and has strategic thinking and planning skills
  • and has solid writing skills (including English language writing skills C1+) & preferably knowledge of the Dutch language


Why should you join us?

Working with (other) youth is inspiring, fun and rewarding! And without doubt enriches you as a person. At YFM:

  • you receive on the job coaching and have the possibly to take free training courses according to your needs.
  • you work within an international team and with partners with expertise in a variety of subjects, and from all kinds cultures and backgrounds.
  • we entrust you with responsibility and stimulate you to dare to make mistakes, whilst offering you a safe space to work in.

With these ingredients you can make great progress in getting your personal learning objectives done, which is after all is one of the things that being an intern should be about!

No financial compensation
Years of Experience required: 
English: Proficient User C1
Level of Studies: 