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Gentrification, suburbia, cities and finance.


The social house.


Architects, builders, specifications.

Newcastle University 

Architecture & AI.

Penn State/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln 

Parliament, power, politics and architecture.


Anthropology - Making - Architecture.

University of Aberdeen

The New Urban Aesthetic.

Brunel University & University of Oxford

City, suburb, desert.


Utopia, machines, Archigram and the High Tech.

University of Pennsylvania

Photography, architecture and everyday life.

Photographer/ filmmaker (and artist)

Civic practice in Ireland and Holland.


Architecture, suburbia and Brisbane.

Vokes and Peters

Urban agriculture as design.

University of Brighton

Placemaking for the City.

Milk/ Marko & Placemakers

Making empire everyday.

UC Santa Barbara

Architectures of Indian modernity.

CEPT, Ahmedabad, India

Utopia, monster, city.


The principled architect

nimtim architects

Permaculture and building.

Small T
hings Creative Projects

Making history modern.

Chris Dyson Architects/ Writer

London's futures.

Writer/ London Society/ Museum of Architecture

Design, discipline, labour, craft.


Architecture as theory.

Pratt Institute

Council housing and gentrification.

London School of Economics

From geoarcheology to architecture.

Skene Cailtling de la Peña

Object/ People/ System/ Design.

Yale University

Architecture and spatial justice.


Designing social care.

Writer, broadcaster.

Democratic Practice.

uxo architects

Processes of abstraction in modern architecture.

Dogma/ EPFL

Animals and architecture.


Architecture, time and the five senses.

Aalto University

Minimalist architecture.

John Pawson 

Defensible space.

Boston University/ Clarion Housing Group.

Conflict, aesthetics and architecture.

Goldsmiths, University of London

Graffiti, semiotics and the city.

University of Melbourne

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