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HomeHealth NewsInvisalign Arlington TX - Get Straighter Teeth Without Metal Braces

Invisalign Arlington TX – Get Straighter Teeth Without Metal Braces

Crooked teeth not only look bad, but can also lead to serious health problems. Thankfully, you can solve these issues with Invisalign clear aligners. The treatment uses advanced technology and requires less maintenance than traditional braces. It also doesn’t limit dietary choices or require invasive wires and brackets.

The treatment uses clear aligners that apply gradual and consistent pressure on the teeth over time to shift them into their desired positions. Learn more about this innovative solution.


For teens and adults, who want a straighter smile without the hassle of traditional metal braces, Invisalign Arlington TX can provide the transformative results they are looking for. It is a convenient and discreet way to address many of the most common teeth alignment issues like gaps, tooth crowding and slight overbites and underbites.

Clear aligners are custom-made to fit comfortably on your teeth and are easily removable so you can eat and brush your teeth without concern. You can also take out your aligners for special occasions like a photo shoot or a job interview.

Invisalign trays can be easily cleaned by simply rinsing them with water. They are also designed to be stain resistant so they will stay clean. You will need to be responsible and remember to place your trays back in after every meal. This is important to prevent food particles from remaining on your teeth which can cause dental decay. Flossing and brushing are also recommended as part of your Invisalign treatment regimen.

Ease of Cleaning

A big part of a successful Invisalign Arlington TX treatment is cleaning and maintenance. City Smiles recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush and clear soap with lukewarm water to clean your aligners. You should also rinse and lightly brush your trays every night before putting them back in, as this helps prevent staining. Some patients also like to soak their Invisalign trays in denture cleaner, which can keep them fresh.

If you have pets at home, be sure to keep your aligners high up and out of reach, as they may be tempted to chew or play with them. Additionally, patients should make a point to remove their aligners when eating or drinking anything other than water, as leaving them in can lead to discoloration and distortion of shape.

Invisalign is a safe and effective treatment option for most adults and teenagers. It can treat a variety of issues, such as minor overcrowding, gaps, underbite, overbite, crossbite, and more. Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign requires fewer appointments and has a shorter average treatment time.


Invisalign vs braces uses clear, comfortable and removable aligners to straighten your smile. Aligners are custom-made to fit your smile, and they are made from a durable plastic that is so thin you can barely see them! You can remove them to eat and drink, brush and floss your teeth. Simply rinse and replace your aligners every 4-8 weeks for a healthier, more confident smile.

Unlike traditional metal braces, clear aligners are virtually invisible, making them a popular choice for teens and adults. You may even forget you are wearing them. Plus, they are easily removed at mealtime so you can enjoy your favorite foods without worrying about food stuck in your brackets or dietary restrictions.

Invisalign is versatile and can correct a variety of orthodontic issues, including gaps, misalignment, crowding, and bite problems. It can also help close open bites and reduce jaw tension, which is a common cause of TMJ disorder. Our cosmetic dentist in Arlington can provide you with a customized Invisalign Arlington TX treatment plan that fits your comfort and lifestyle goals.


Invisalign aligners are a great way to straighten your teeth without interfering with your lifestyle. You can continue eating your favorite foods, playing your favorite sports, and brushing and flossing just like you always do. You can also remove the aligners before meals, and they are easy to clean.

You will replace the aligners with the next pair in the series weekly. Your teeth will shift gradually, and you will eventually have a straighter smile. You will also visit your orthodontist or dentist about once every six weeks to ensure that you are on track to reach your desired outcome.

Invisalign is a metal-free alternative to traditional braces that uses clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten your teeth. It is ideal for adults and teens who are concerned about their appearance or have a busy schedule. It is also an effective treatment for a wide range of orthodontic issues, including overcrowding, crossbites, and gaps. You can learn more about this state-of-the-art teeth-straightening solution by contacting us today!