Mark Kelly’s Post

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Global Head of Benefits & Wellbeing | MoBro | Arctic Explorer | Ancestral Health Coach

#businesstravel can be energising, but it can also be draining if you don’t look after yourself. #sleep is a critical element of recovery but is often disrupted by an unfamiliar environment. I travel with my sleep kit to give my body the best chance of getting a restorative 7hrs of sleep. This photo is my sleep kit! My Z Lab sleep mask, my Sleep Better Live Better blue light blocking clip on glasses, ear plugs, mouth tape (for nasal breathing), and where possible the pillow menu! Whilst it doesn’t solve all the challenges, it certainly helps to maintain some of the sleep routine. What’s in your travel kit that helps you recover? #wellbeingatbcg #fatigue #jetlag #india #singapore #recoverystrategy

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So true! I’m just about to put in my earplugs right now, as I’m also on business travel. I appreciate the reminder that prioritizing good quality sleep is worth it, and developing a strategy through trial and error, as well as through learning from one another are steps we can take to find what works for us. My addition—I also add a spritz of lavender on my pillow….when I remember to pack it that is :) I’m going to take inspiration from you and make my kit for the next trip!

Cecile Trijssenaar

Medical Anthropologist founder of human Wellbeing EdTech programme designed to prevent the risk of burnout in your key staff


I have just discovered the best method for falling back to sleep. If you wake up and cannot get back to sleep and are tossing and turning, just place your palm on your forehead. The warmth of your hand calms the mind and you are asleep in no time at all. Highly recommend!

Teodora .

Consciousness Coach I Founder and Content Creator @ wisdom of the heart I Transform Your Life | Sessions for JOY


I did take my pillow with me, when I went to a place where I had planned to stay longer :)) and it made a difference to my sleep. I didn't have to go through the first nights of adjustment.

Amjad Khan

Employee Benefit Leader - Workplace Wellness - Multinational Practice - Technology Solutions - Strategic Initiatives - International Benefits


Quality sleep is surely the best recovery mechanism a human body can have... Mouthtape ?..that's interesting. google says it helps increase REM sleep but is it supposed to be used only during long travels with big time difference ?

James Hewitt

Human Performance Scientist | Keynote Speaker | Consultant & Advisor | Empowering knowledge workers with science-based tools to achieve sustainable high performance


I've always got an eye mask and earplugs in my carry-on, but I need to get some of those blue light-blocking clip-on glasses!


Getting good quality deep sleep when travelling is more difficult but it’s great to see you have such a great sleep kit Mark Kelly to help with your trips.

George Bell FRSA

Wellbeing Business Intelligence


ear plugs agreed... or noise cancelling headphones to reduce the physical impact of the engine noise

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