Community Supper (Lasagna!!!) RSVP by Sept. 7
The Public Policy and Environmental Action Team is hosting the first Community Supper of the year on Thursday Sept. 21 from 5-7 PM on the theme of sustainable eating. Please use this form to RSVP so we know how much food to prepare. Please also indicate dietary preferences and if you can volunteer to help with cooking, set up/clean up and or bring side dishes/dessert (apple crisp). We will have vegan and gluten free lasagna and apple crisp. During dessert we will show a brief video about Good News Gardens and have a conversation about it. As there is no budget for Community Suppers, you will be asked for $5 at the door to cover our costs,  Thank you.
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Name and email address
Yes I'll be there!
I can bring a side/dessert for 8 (using local produce where possible)
Dietary preferences (gluten free, vegan, etc.)
I can contribute the following vegetables from my garden
I can help with the following (cooking and clean up requires an orientation to the kitchen to be scheduled at a mutually convenient time)
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