Burnley owner Alan Pace reckons that footballers who choose not to get vaccinated should look for new jobs, after the Clarets’ game against Aston Villa was called off on Saturday.

Pace, who had been making his way to Villa Park on Saturday morning before the game was confirmed as being postponed by the Premier League a little over two hours before kick off, has been left frustrated this past week; Burnley’s game with Watford in the week was also called off.

Coupled with their recent meeting with Tottenham being called off because of inclement weather and a pitch that wasn’t fit for football in the snow, it’s left the Clarets with quite a backlog of games to fulfil.

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Villa had an outbreak of Covid cases this week, while it was Watford in the week who suffered from an outbreak of their own, and it’s misfortune that has left the Lancashire side with a fixture pile-up ahead of Christmas.

Pace is not amused and believes that there is an obligation for footballers to be vaccinated if it is in the interests of everyone else.

READ: Premier League release lengthy statement after Villa v Burnley is called off

READ: Jack Grealish makes frank Villa admission after leaving for Man City

“It worries me for a number of different reasons but these are personal choices for people,” Pace told the Sun. “It can’t be, though, that you put everybody else at risk.

“If they choose not to get vaccinated, then they may have to choose a different career.

“Freedom to choose something different doesn’t mean you get the same rights and opportunities given to you if you choose to do something that’s not in the best interests of everyone else.”

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